Comments & Case Studies
Hear about the success of Service For Life! from some of our longest standing members…
Case Studies
“It’s My #1 Marketing Tool”…

I started using Service For Life!® the first month that I was in real estate. I’ve been in real estate 26 months now. I’ve got 3 little kids, a 7-year-old, a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old, so I’m quite busy with them.
But my first year in real estate I used Service For Life!® pretty much exclusively, as my only advertising. Everybody I send it to just loves it. You’d be amazed at the comments I hear. People practically stand by their mailbox waiting for it to show up. It’s just the highlight of their life to read it.
It’s fun to have a cover letter that we can customize and kind of tell about our family. A lot of my relatives get it and that’s fun for them to hear everything that’s going on, along with our friends and clients. Service For Life!® has been awesome for me and I will always use it. Definitely, it’s my number one marketing tool. It’s been great.
– Jenny H. REALTOR®, San Diego, CA
“Dollar For Dollar This Marketing Arm Always Pays BIG Dividends!”
I just wanted to let you guys know that I couldn’t even imagine working my house list without Service For Life!®.

My clients and future clients always appreciate the newsletter and actually look forward to receiving their issue. Dollar for dollar this marketing arm always pays big dividends!! Keep up the great work and super service.
– Blaine T., REALTOR®, GA
“…This Is A Smart System With Several Complimentary Moving Parts”

I meant to send this testimonial sooner- it just reflects how busy Geri and I have been. We are getting ready to launch 4 new listings in the next few weeks.
I recently re-subscribed to Service For Life!® because, try as I might, I couldn’t find anything nearly as effective to keep in touch with my database the way I want to. Service For Life!® allows me to personalize each issue of the newsletter with my own voice and brand. The response from clients and prospects is well worth the little bit of time it takes to make it my own.
This is not just a well thought-out newsletter, it’s a smart system with several complimentary moving parts.
I’ve recently invested in ads in weeklies to test an offer for a free copy of one of the well-crafted reports included in the system, and I’m delighted with the response so far. By asking me to mail them a copy of the report, over a dozen homeowners in my farm and beyond have virtually put up their hands to tell me that they are actively thinking of selling.
– Eric C., Real Estate Broker, Ottawa, ON
“Service For Life!® Has Not Just Increased My Production, It IS My Production!”

This is an amazing tool. I’ve been using it now for approximately 2 years, and I can tell you Service For Life!® has not just increased my production but it IS my production!
I’ve made many more acquaintances, I’ve broadened my scope of people that I work with and deal with. People know me as the guy who puts out Service For Life!®.
It is my main farming tool. I mail out approximately 5,500 Service For Life!® issues a month. That includes my own personal farm, my cold farm, my warm farm, my hot farm and my friends. It is probably the best thing that I’ve ever used.
And I’ll tell you this. I was on vacation and I was late getting it out. It was about a week and a half late, and I had several messages on my voicemail asking me where it was or they didn’t get it this month, or whatever. It’s amazing.
The thing I like about it more than anything is it’s not all about “real estate.” It’s a personal letter. It’s something that people look at, they get information from, they like it, it’s good, it’s solid.
So as far as I’m concerned, it’s probably one of the best products out there for the price. It’s amazing. I’ve talked to other companies about doing marketing programs, and we’re talking literally tens of thousands of dollars to do a program that I don’t think would replace this.
So I’m a definite fan and I can tell you that my production has increased dramatically in this year. I want to thank Craig for Service For Life!® and for everything that he does with this product. It’s an excellent product, and thanks again.”
– John G., REALTOR®, Palm Desert, CA
“At Least 85% of My Business is a Direct Result of the Newsletter…”
I love my “Service For Life.” I made the TOP 7% of all BHHS Realtors over the past two years and this year I hope to be in the TOP 3%.
I send the newsletter out to 1,200 homes. At least 85% of my business is a direct result of the newsletter. People call me all the time to tell me just how much they love it. I really personalize the cover letter and I include a data sheet showing sales in this area. A really winning combination of Fun & Facts.
I’ve even been told by many of my customers that they already feel like they know me so well as a result of my mailings and the personal touch I put into my cover letter.
Thanks so much!!
– Susan S., REALTOR®, Stuart, FL
“I Wish I Had All The Money Back I Spent Looking For The ‘Holy Grail’ of Real Estate Success…And Had Started Using THIS
From Day One…”

I’ve been using the Service For Life!® newsletter for over 3 years now. I work in one of the most competitive real estate markets in the country. If there is a new marketing program that’s pitched to us REALTORS®, in 6 months it seems half the agents here are using it.
That’s one of the things I like about the Service For Life!® letter. It doesn’t come across as a new marketing angle I’m trying to lay on my clients. But instead, it’s accepted as a folksy, self-authored, let’s-stay-in-touch kind of newsletter.
I mail it to my house list about 10 times a year, and I’m constantly having people tell me how much they enjoy reading it when I talk to them. It’s one of the easiest ways I know to keep my name out in front of my clients, and I attribute it to having 90% of my business come from referrals.
I wish I had all of the money back I spent looking for that ‘holy grail’ of real estate success, and had started using THIS from day one.
– Jerry B., REALTOR®, Littleton, CO
25-Year Broker/Owner Discovers The ONLY Marketing Tool
That Doesn’t Get Thrown In The Trash!

I am the broker/owner of Heritage Realty in Fernandina Beach, FL. I cannot tell you how much I have really enjoyed the Service For Life!® referral newsletter. It has been so quick and easy to use and to personalize it with my own information. Everyone thinks that I’ve done the letter myself, that I’ve spent hours personalizing it.
It’s so much better received than any of the newsletters I’ve ever done in the past, like those big, shiny, glossy letters that all look great. But people look at them and it’s like, “Eh,” and throw them in the trash.
With this newsletter, I get so many customers that call me and say, “Hey, I really like that article that was in there. I really appreciated your hints about this. I really like the jokes.” And they love the personal information on the cover letter, about the current real estate market in our area.
And most of all, I think the reason that it works so well is that there’s so little real estate in there that they don’t feel like I’m pressuring them to use me for their real estate. And because I’m not pressuring them, what happens is they’re calling me and thinking of me.
It has worked so much better than anything I’ve ever used, and I’ve been in this business now for 25 years. It’s really helped me build closer relationships with all of my past customers. In fact, I’ve even had people that I’ve met that I’ve sent the newsletter to who have called me and said, “Diana, I get your newsletter and I’ve never bought anything from you, but I’m going to have you list my house for me.”
It’s just been incredible. I’m very, very happy with it. I’ve been sending out the newsletter now for just over a year, and I’m going to keep doing it. It’s worth ever penny that I spend on producing this newsletter.
– Diana H., Designated Broker, FL
“When I Get A Lot of Hype About Something, I Think ‘Oh,
It Can’t Be That Good.’ But I Wanted You To Know
That You Didn’t Exaggerate…”

I’m just getting ready now to send out my 20th issue of Service For Life!® newsletter. But I just wanted to let you know something. When I get a lot of hype about something, I think, “Oh, it can’t be that good.” But I wanted you to know that you didn’t exaggerate when you claimed that this newsletter would bring me more business, because it really has.
I’m just getting my taxes ready, and I looked back on last year’s sales and I realized ALL BUT 2 OF THEM were a direct result of Service For Life!®. Those 2, they were personal friends who would have used me anyway.
I want to tell you, also, that I’ve stopped other forms of marketing because they just really weren’t working. The postcards and all the usual stuff. But except for holiday cards and magnet calendars that I send out at Christmas, I’ve really stopped everything else because I’m getting the results that I need with Service For Life!®.
I’ve been called, too. A lot of my clients have called me to thank me, because they love the articles. It’s not all real estate, it’s things that they need for their everyday life. But their favorite part is the trivia contest. They really think that’s a lot of fun.
I want you to promise me that you won’t ever stop sending it. I love editing them and I’m no geek when it comes to computers, either. But it’s easy for me to edit them.
Another way I use it, I wanted to tell you, is I always get extra copies each month and I put them in my buyer and seller presentation folder. I want people to know that I’m a professional, that I send all of these things out to people, that I’m not a beginner, so that they’ll have some faith in me.
Anyway, thanks Craig, for having Service For Life!®. I really do say you did not exaggerate. It is great! Thanks a lot.
– Joyce W., REALTOR®, Littleton, CO
My Own Mother Was Shocked By This…

I have found Service For Life!® my single most effective tool in the rapid growth of my business. Fortunately, I discovered the tool early on in my career (6 months after getting my license). Even when I couldn’t afford it I continued on using it, only to see my business increase multiple times over my first year to my second. Even this year I’m on track for doubling what I did last year.
The best comment that I got was from my own mother who said: ‘I never knew you could write so well!’ Thanks so much for this amazing tool.
– Donald C., REALTOR®, Boulder, CO
“By Far The Easiest and The Best I’ve Seen In My 15 Years
In the Real Estate Business…”

I’ve been in real estate for 15 years, and you can really believe me, the first several were a struggle. I have attended every seminar, purchased a library of books and tapes. But it wasn’t until about 3 years ago that I started using the Service For Life!® system that my career really started to improve.
The first year I started using Service For Life!® was 3 years ago, and my sales keep going up.
– Stan B., REALTOR®, OR
“Service For Life!® Will Have Brought Me Multiple Listings
From One Family…”

Your Service For Life!® is one of the most powerful tools anybody can use in order to keep in touch, maintain, and indeed build relationships with those most important to them.
With a contact list of 110 names when I started using your Service For Life!® (now grown to 150), I’ve generated multiple listings from the same family! Just from regular, frequent, and pleasant contact of this medium, I had a couple call me, thank me for keeping in touch and say that they wanted me to list their home (which they had opted to use another REALTOR® a year previously). They listed with me! And they added a view lot next door and a commercial property for me to list.
Plus they referred me to their kids who listed with me. And they’ll soon list one of their parent’s homes with me. Incredible!
– Brad D., REALTOR®, Gresham, OR
“Our First Year Was An Amazing Success Thanks To This.
We Use It Exclusively.”

Just wanted to call and give you some feedback about your Service For Life!® marketing system. Our first year in residential resale produced a high income. We use it exclusively. We do not mail a post card, we do not mail any other kinds of letters. It was the only mailing piece that we use.
We love it! It is the lowest-cost, highest-return marketing piece that we use. It’s the best relationship-building tool.
I looked at about 5 to 10 different providers for marketing services. When I found Service For Life!®, it was the only one of its kind. I ordered it. It’s the mainstay of our marketing efforts. My wife was a little skeptical upfront, until the first one hit the mailboxes and the phones started ringing. And then she was politely nagging me on a monthly basis, “When is the next newsletter going out?
So it’s been a winner for us. There is nothing like it anywhere. I even mail it out to our out-of-area referral REALTOR® base, to stay in contact with them. Only one of them signed up to get the newsletter, so go figure there.
Anyway, our subscribers love it. We get comments that they read it cover-to-cover. They look forward to our family stories and the cover letters. I hear, “I really enjoy your mailer. You really put a lot of effort into it, don’t you?” And, of course I reply, “Of course, we do put some effort into it.”
One of the things I love about it most is that we’re not perceived as real estate agents looking for our next deal. However, we’re not secret agents, either. We’re perceived as friendly agents, looking out for the best interests of our clients.
I hope that helps you out. Blessings to you and your staff. It’s always a pleasure working with you guys, and we’ll talk to you later.
– Michael C., REALTOR®, Pleasanton, CA
“The Most Powerful Marketing Tool We’ve Ever Seen…”

We got tired of constantly having to be “up and on” for dealing with cold prospects, and it became emotionally and physically draining month in and month out. There had to be a better way to generate loyal, high-quality clients without all the pressure and anxiety of a “salesperson.”
Then we discovered the “Service For Life!®” marketing tool. Quite frankly we were skeptical that such a simple tool could get these results. But once you understand how it all works, it makes so much sense.
It’s incredibly easy to personalize and send. And it looks like it came from us personally – not some “canned” newsletter. We’ve tried other newsletters and mailers out there, but nothing brought us even a fraction of the business that this tool does. It’s easy reading and provides close interaction with our database of people.
Bottom line: this system helped us effectively tap into our database, and in just a 3-month period we’ve numerous referrals from relatively small database. This does not count business from returning clients as well.
Our referral business is just booming. This has become the most valuable and powerful marketing tool we’ve ever seen.
– Lois L., REALTOR®, Orange County, CA
23-Year Veteran Agent Finally Discovers How To Overcome Earnings Plateau Spending Just 2 Hours A Month…

I’ve been in residential real estate sales for 23 years now, and I had definitely plateaued in my 20th year. Actually, my 18th, 19th and 20th year.
I came across a sample Service For Life!® audio done by Craig Forte, and must have listened to it at least 10 times before deciding to take a leap of faith and signed up. The reason being my 18th, 19th and 20th year, I made the same income dollar-wise, within a couple hundred dollars. I was either going to quit the business or give it 1,000%.
Well, that’s history now. I signed up three years ago and was really running full-speed by the end of the year. The following year, my business went up. The next year, it went up again, and it’s still climbing.
It is so easy to do. Today, I spend maybe 2 hours a month and the rest is all systemized, using other services to print, sort, stuff and mail. Now, that’s not too bad.
The really nice thing I enjoy is bringing value to my farm, past clients, and sphere of influence. When I call them now, we have fun talking about Service For Life!® they get from me every month. They can’t understand how I can find so much time every month to put out such a nice piece. And it’s so informative.
Of course, I don’t tell them I only spend 2 hours a month getting it out to nearly 2,000 people.
– Bill R., REALTOR®, San Fernando Valley, CA
It Subtly Communicates Your Services Without Being Pushy or “Salesy”

Both my wife and I are in business together, and have been using Service For Life!® for over a year now. I think one of the things our clients like about it is that it’s not pushing real estate and it’s not glossy and 4-color and all that. It’s kind of low-keyed and it’s accepted very nicely.
One of the things it does for us, we think, is that it lets all the people that we send it to know, on a monthly basis, that we’re really in the real estate business. It’s not a part-time activity for us. We’re serious about it and we’re full-time, and we want them to be a part of our family of real estate users.
So that’s the big thing. We always do a little bit of customizing in it, and it’s easy to do. It’s really quite an easy process to go ahead and put things in there that are customized, not only in the cover letter but in the newsletter itself.
But again, we’re really quite pleased with it. It has produced results.
Most of our business comes as a result of the Service For Life!® tool.
So thanks again for its usefulness, and we’ll look forward to using it on and on again in the future.
– Jim D., REALTOR® , Burnsville, MN
“I Contributed So Valuably I Was Promoted To Vice President
Of My Real Estate Company…”

I have a marketing background so I pondered whether or not to even invest in this product. I’ve been using Service For Life!® for 19 months now, and it has been the best marketing investment I’ve made in my real estate career. It’s incredibly easy to use. I usually spend 20 to 30 minutes a month to put it together.
What’s amazing is people seem to be very, very excited about it. People write and call me to say how much they enjoy it. I’ve had teachers say they’re using it in their classrooms. I have elderly people who one may have poor eyesight so the other reads it to them.
It’s interesting to note that a lot of my clients think that I actually sit down and write this newsletter myself. People tell me in person how informative it is and how valuable the information is, how they enjoy reading it. They also like the folksy attitude about it.
The results have been incredible. I have increased my total net sales in one year, and I contributed so valuably that I was promoted to Vice President of my real estate company.
– Ann S., REALTOR®, Teaneck, NJ
“We’ve Never Had This Kind Of Reaction From ANY Of Our Marketing…”

I realize you’re trying to sell your own product and that no one’s going to believe your own claims. So let me do it for you. We recently sent out our 537 newsletters last month and already have listings from it. More than that, we’ve never had…and this is in our farm, not our sphere of influence…we’ve never had this kind of reaction from any of our mailings. And what is nice is we get calls from people saying, ‘this is the nicest thing.’ They love it.
– Jerry S., Broker, San Jose, CA
Homeowner Calls REALTOR® “Friend For Life,” And They’ve NEVER MET!

I started using Service For Life!® over a year ago, and I’ve used it both as a farming tool and with my sphere of influence. I’ve actually received notes from people thanking me for the different articles in it, and for just the uniqueness.
Several people told me they receive mailings from other REALTORS® that don’t even compare to Service For Life!®. They think I’m totally amazing for being able to create something like that.
I make every cover letter very personal, so my friends and colleagues who use it feel like they’re staying caught up with my life and stay close to me. And the people in my farm feel like they know me personally.
In fact, I received a card last week from a homeowner in my farm are, thanking me for a story that was in Service For Life!®, and she signed it “best friends for life!” The funny thing is, we’ve never met!
I can’t imagine not using it in my business. It’s a great tool.
– Jane W., REALTOR®, Tulsa, OK
“It’s Been The Single Most Important Thing I’ve Done To Increase
My Business Since Entering Real Estate…”

I’ve been in the real estate business for about 3 years. For the last 2 years, I’ve been using Craig Forte’s Service For Life!® newsletter. It’s helped me to achieve a consistent income each year. I believe that it’s a huge part of my referral business.
Also, probably my favorite thing is it helps me to stay in contact with my clients on a monthly basis.
I get typically anywhere from 5 to 15 call-ins every month from my newsletter. Some of them are answers to the trivia questions. Some of them let me know about their family situations. For instance this month alone, 2 people called me to let me know that there were deaths in their family.
It’s a very valuable tool. It saves me a lot of time. It probably takes me about an hour each month to plug in my personal information in the newsletter and then to write the cover page.
I also feel that this is probably the single most important thing that I’ve done to increase my business since I’ve been in the real estate business.
– Dave T. REALTOR®, Rockford, IL
Burned-Out 78 Year Old Agent Discovers Service For Life!®, Now Refuses To Retire Because He’s Having Too Much Fun!

I have been an old-timer since 1971 on the real estate board and the local real estate board. I hated cold-calls and, as a result, I wound up being an appraiser most of the time and selling a few houses here and there.
But then came Craig and his marvelous marketing system with Service For Life!®. It was exactly what I needed. And I am now converting to full-time real estate and I’m delighted.
The response to the newsletter that I put out is really quite amazing, because people call me and tell me, “How did you get my name?” “Well, I just got it out of the REALTOR® directories. No problem. Would you like me to stop sending it?” “Oh no, we like it. Oh no, don’t do that.”
Well, folks, believe me, this is the way to go and I love it. I’m having more fun now. Believe it or not, I’m 78 years old and I have no intentions of retiring. I’m now having too much fun selling real estate.
Here’s an example of what this does: I was talking to an individual in a town 20 miles away from my home town. He asked me what I did, and I said I was a REALTOR®. He said, “Oh, do you ever send out newsletters?” I said, “Sure.” He said, “I got one the other day from somebody in Livermore.” It turned out to be my newsletter. He said, “It was really neat. I really enjoyed it. I’m looking for a house out in Livermore, can you help me?”
Well, needless to say, there’s secondhand goodness coming from Service For Life!® that I didn’t expect. But it was there. I’m looking forward to many more years of fun and sales, and I thank Craig for the ingenious marketing systems that he comes up with.
– Al R., REALTOR®, Livermore, CA
“People on My List Have Called Me to Just Write Up an Offer. They’d Already Seen Service For Life!®, They Already Knew Who Their REALTOR® Was Going to Be. They Just Called Me and I Wrote the Offer.”

People stop me all the time to tell me they love my Service For Life!®. People that I figured weren’t even reading it, they just love it. One guy had an article about traveling in an airplane, and he called me when he got home from a long trip to tell me how wonderful the pointers were about reducing the amount of jet lag that he had.
I’ve had comments from people who have been given the newsletter from somebody in my sphere that I didn’t even know.
I’ve heard from other agents that they were in somebody’s home and saw my newsletter on the table. I’ve had requests for market analyses and pre-listing appointments from people on my list who already knew that when they got ready to buy or sell they would use me and no one else, because they developed a relationship with me through Service For Life!®.
People on my list have called me to just write up an offer. They’d already seen Service For Life!®, they already knew who their REALTOR® was going to be. They just called me and I wrote the offer. That was pretty nice.
I got one high-priced listing that came in entirely due to the newsletters, because I had been contacting her every month. She was a former neighbor but we didn’t know each other. I got to list her house. She said that she felt she already knew me, she knew I was the one to sell her house, and we listed her ranch. My first full year in the business, and I was using it for part of the year, I had a high 5-figure income as a brand new REALTOR®. In the second year I was in business, which was last year, it was a 6-figure income. And I just feel it’s because I’ve developed very close relationships with people through Service For Life!®.
I love Service For Life!®. My big fear is that it would affect my practice negatively if you ever stop producing it.
– Lynne C., REALTOR®, Bend, OR
“We Have Experienced Tremendous Growth …”
Wanted to take a moment and call you guys about Service For Life!®. I started using Service For Life!® about 2½ years ago, and our company has experienced wonderful success with the newsletter.
And what I mean by that success is that we have been able to maintain a much closer relationship with our clients. We have also experienced tremendous growth in that 2½ years, and we believe that quite a bit of that is due to the consistent use of Service For Life!®.
I consistently use it, send it out every 30 days, and several of our partners do as well. So I couldn’t be more glowing in my praise for Service For Life!®, and I certainly appreciate all of the support that your company gives us when we do have questions. Call the 800 number and we get somebody on the line very quickly. It’s very easy to use.
I’m kind of rattling on here, but I wanted to make it clear that we’re very, very pleased. We truly use the Service For Life!® newsletter as the anchor of our business, meaning that we layer other marketing systems on top of it. That is the basis, that is the main source of communication with our client base, and it’s certainly generated a lot of business for us.
I hope that is a good explanation of how we have utilized Service For Life!®. We certainly appreciate all the help. I hope you guys are having a great time out there. I’ll talk to you soon.
– Mark D., REALTOR®, OH
“I’ve Had Feedback From Other Agents Who Are Absolutely Blown Away…They Can’t Figure Where I Possibly Get This Material From And How I Put It Together…I Just Laugh and Don’t Tell My Secret…”

I’ve been on Service For Life!® for I guess it’s been over a year. It’s very reliable. The articles are excellent. It really is unique. I know we overuse that word.
I’ve had feedback from other agents that are absolutely blown away. They can’t figure out where I possibly get this material from and how I put it together. I just laugh and I don’t tell them my secret.
I get consistent response from my clients. I get a lot of feedback by email and by telephone messages, where people call in either to receive gifts that I give away or to respond on articles.
I use advertising in it. I used to charge, and I quit doing that. What I do now is I ask every one of the advertisers, I say to them, “You can pay $20 per edition, per advertiser, or what you can do is hand out a minimum of 20 each in stores and restaurants in our area.” When people walk in, you’ll find them laying on their counters, etc. I find that gives me more business.
People who just walk into a restaurant who have seen it say, “Any REALTOR® who can put this kind of material out there is the kind of REALTOR® I would like to have list my home.”
– Uli K., REALTOR®, PA
“Oh My Goodness, It’s The Real Estate DIVA!”
I have been a member of Service For Life!® prospecting and referral newsletter for 5 years now, and I’m absolutely delighted with it.
Without question, I think it is the best out there. My clients comment about it all the time, whenever I have conversations with them. Even people who I may have had one phone conversation with or they may have called me on one of my listings, I automatically put them on my database and they receive my newsletter.
I invariably, with every edition of the newsletter, and I do send it out monthly, at least get 2 phone calls a month from somebody who definitely wants me to come and list their property. I also get 2 to 4 requests for market analyses or one of your free booklets that are available with the center insert. I also have 25 to 35 people a month that call with answers to the trivia question.
I had a painter come to my door one time, who I had actually hired through his partner, who was a client of mine. He came to my front door. I answered the front door and he said, “Oh my goodness, it’s the real estate diva!” That’s pretty much how people recognize me, by Service For Life!®.
It has been extremely successful for me. I probably could do a lot more business, but I have 2 grandchildren. I’m in my mid-50’s, so I’m trying to take things a little easy every once in a while.
But I am absolutely delighted with Service For Life!®. My clients absolutely love it. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, in a panic, thinking, “Oh my Gosh, Craig may be discontinuing the newsletter,” just having a nightmare.
– Renate M., REALTOR®, Orland Park, IL
Service For Life!® Creates More Success Stories Than ALL Others Combined!

I just was calling to share my feelings towards the Service For Life!® program. We’ve been using over a year now, and we are really thrilled with it and have full plans to continue.
We do the typical institutional-type advertising, newspaper ads, promoting our website, just listed/just sold mailers. But our Service For Life!® newsletter creates more success stories than the others combined. While websites and such are a necessity, I think this is a fantastic way of promoting those needed marketing functions.
We received the more “polished” newsletters from mortgage lenders, title reps and such, but after using the Service For Life!® newsletter I really like its format.
We insert our own story of the month. I created a real estate topic area, where it’s more local information on what’s happening in the market. And as we continually build up our direct sphere, I see nothing but more results coming out of the newsletter.
The customer service from the employees at Service For Life!® are always very helpful. I just am very appreciative. Thanks and continue the great work!
– Rick S., REALTOR®, CA
“Most Of My Clients Think I Wrote It All Myself!”

I wanted to give you some feedback about Service For Life!®. I think it’s a fabulous way to keep in touch with past clients and customers who were the best source of referral and repeat business I have. It’s very easy to personalize each month, and it is a truly unique product.
Most of my clients believe that I’ve actually written it all myself! Folks love the cover letter, in which I provide some personal information about my husband, me and our family dogs. They just love hearing that short little paragraph every month, and frequently comment on that personal information to me.
You must know that I’m getting great results with closing business from client referrals that came from Service For Life!®, because I just sent out issue #32. I will continue using Service For Life!® for a long time, because it does cost-justify itself and my clients just love it.
I also get very positive results from the trivia question that’s in there every month, so I know my clients are reading and enjoying it. It’s a very cost-effective and easy way to keep in touch with the best source of repeat business.
– Connie B., REALTOR®
Service For Life!® A Welcome GUEST, NOT An Unwanted PEST…

I just wanted to let you know what a great product Service For Life!® is. People call me, they’re so excited to get the newsletter. They want me to send it to friends and neighbors of theirs. The trivia contest part of the newsletter is one of my favorites.
You know what I found? The people that get excited and call in to win are also those people that send me referrals. So let me tell you, I love to give away free pizza. When that phone rings and I can say, “Ding, ding, ding, you’ve won,” we all get excited.
I love Service For Life!®. It’s easy to use. I’ve been using it now for I think over 2 years. And what I’ve found is that now it takes me about 5 to 10 minutes to go ahead and insert my information. I run it up to my broker to proof. I have it over to the printer. I just email it over there. I pick it up from them within 24 hours.
It’s the one marketing that I will never, ever, ever give up on, because it keeps my name in front of my sphere of influence, new people I meet at my open houses. Anytime I get anyone’s name and address, they go on my list.
I’ve had people call me back 6 months, 9 months, in this particular case it’s been almost 2 years since we met and say, “You know what? I’m still getting your newsletter and now I’m ready to do something.”
I love the product. You guys are great. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to rant and rave about you, because I think that you guys are absolutely the best. Have a great day!
– Kari P., REALTOR®, Salem, OR
“One of the Greatest Marketing Tools I’ve Ever Come Across…”
I just wanted to leave you a short message to say thank you for helping me make a living. You and many other real estate trainers have really preached how the key to success in this business is through relationships. It seems that we all know quite a few people. But keeping in touch with clients has always been the constant challenge for me. I can sincerely say that thanks to you, that problem has now disappeared.
I’ve been using Service For Life!® for a couple of years now, and it really is one of the greatest tools I’ve ever come across. What it does for me is it keeps me in touch with my contacts in a non-threatening and even a welcoming way.
I’m constantly amazed when someone I know thanks me for a recent article. I’m amazed, because it confirms to me that people actually read the thing. I’ve used other newsletter services in the past, but I don’t think anyone has ever even read them. I do my mailings every 3 to 4 weeks, in the exact manner prescribed by the stupidly-simple instructions.
I’m just really truly glad that out of all of the advertisements in the REALTOR® magazine I could have responded to, it was yours that I chose. And, as it turns out, it was a great decision. I really can’t say enough about the newsletter and all your programs. So Craig, thanks again. I really do appreciate it.
– Greg L., REALTOR®, CA
“…ALL From Sending Out Service For Life!®”
I just wanted to tell you about my success using Service For Life!®. I started using it in January of this year and in mid April I listed my first property from it. Off that listing (which sold that weekend), using my 800 number and an open house, I captured and converted another sale.
My listing turned into a referral because of Service For Life!®. During this time another call came from my farm who receive Service For Life!® and the people had a 3-plex in Kansas – ALL from sending out Service For Life!®.
Also, along the way I have found sponsorship in Service For Life!® with service providers who are paying more than $100 monthly to help pay for postage. Add this to my title company that allows me to use all of their high-speed copiers to publish my Service For Life!®.
I am contacting and building an exclusive relationship with more than 300 people. I would add that I am just completing my first year in real estate.
– David B., REALTOR®, Phoenix AZ
“I Hesitated Leaving This Message Because I Don’t Want
My Competition to Find Out…”

“My first 5 years in the business I didn’t have any type of prospecting or referral newsletter. When I started using Service For Life!®, I was amazed at the results. I can’t believe how many people read it religiously.
When I first got Service For Life!® I was a bit skeptical because I have an interest in doing graphics and things, and I wanted to polish it up. In fact, the first few issues I sent, I did them in full color and changed some of the graphics.
“Last Year I Had One Of My Best Years In Real Estate, And I Attribute 80% Of My Business To Service For Life!®…”
I’ve been using Service For Life!® for approximately 2 years. It’s made a huge difference in my business. I felt somewhat detached from my clients, and the Service For Life!® prospecting and referral newsletter made us all kind of like a family.
Last year, I had one of my best years in real estate, and I can attribute 80% of my business to
Service For Life!®, as a result of the referrals I received from my clients.
It’s really quite easy to use. In fact, I used to write articles for a newspaper. This is so much fun, because I get to edit my own newsletter and send it out with a few touches of my own to personalize it.
And the client response has been amazing. Every time I bump into somebody at the grocery store or somewhere else, they say, “Oh, I get your newsletter and I love it.” I have a contest on the back page, and it’s really quite interesting to see how many people enter.
So I want to thank you for putting together such a wonderful product. It has so many ways that it causes people to want to respond to it. There’s something for everybody in each newsletter. It’s amazing, also, how often it gets passed around to other people and I get calls from them as a result of the newsletter too. So thank you so much for a great product.
– David J., REALTOR®, Sacramento, CA
“It’s Been My Biggest Referral Source Since I Started Real Estate…”

I’ve been using Service For Life!® for probably about a year and a half right now, and I’ve found it really easy to use. It has been very effective. It keeps me top of mind when my clients and friends and family actually think of purchasing real estate. It’s been my biggest referral source since I started real estate.
When I run into old clients and friends, they make jokes of the newsletter. So I know they’re reading it. That’s the funny part, people are actually reading it! Especially at my age level, a lot of people would probably be looking at the newsletter and thinking of it as trash mail. They actually recite it back to me, and I don’t even know what they say sometimes. It’s sort of funny.
I am definitely pleased with the Service For Life!® newsletter. It has helped me to grow my business, helped me to market to my sphere. That’s really where 80%+ of my business is coming from, and it’s been quite successful the last 2 years of doing so.
– Mike Q., REALTOR®, Chicago, IL
Miami REALTOR® Becomes “Captive Agent,” Getting Clients Before Other Agents Know They Exist…
I’ve been using Service For Life!® for probably a little bit more than a year. I couldn’t believe the reactions I got when I first started using it. People actually called in. They love it, keep sending it, it’s something they’ve never seen before.
I actually got letters. Here’s a letter from someone: “Dear Stu, I received your Service For Life!® newsletter. The best I can say is I’m very impressed that it’s full with caring, good advice, money and car trouble, saving information. It calls to my attention things to do, which I use to think about tomorrow, tomorrow. Stu, you are the best. If I ever want to sell or buy a condo, I wouldn’t go to anybody else but you.” Another customer sent me an email to make sure I get their new address. “Thanks for sending us Service For Life!®. We love it. Please make the changes to our new address, so we don’t miss out on any copies.”
I got a call from a customer who I probably haven’t spoken to in over 2 years. And they said, “You know, we don’t get any just listed or just sold cards from you. All we do is get Service For Life!®.” But they called me and I sold their apartment. Somebody else, who I don’t think I’ve seen for 5 years, I sold their apartment and they bought another.
What I like about it is once someone enters my mailing list, they get Service For Life!® once a month, regularly, and I never have to worry about the keep-in-touch part. That’s something that I’ve always missed out for years.
People don’t throw it in the garbage. I’m constantly getting comments how it’s different from all the other real estate ones because it doesn’t talk about real estate. “How do you come up with all of those things?” It’s really everything that you said it was and it’s great. So thank you very much.
– Stuart B., REALTOR®, Miami, FL
Agent Finally STOPS “Hit and Miss” Marketing, Now Gets 50% of His Production From Service For Life!®
I’ve been in this same location with my company, People Real Estate, for about 30 years as broker and owner. About 2 years ago, I started using Craig Forte’s Service For Life!® monthly newsletter. Prior to that, I did kind of a hit-and-miss, non-organized client contact program, some calendars, some letters and what have you. I probably left more business on the table than I’d like to admit.
The first month I used Service For Life!®, I got a call from a client who I’d not had contact with for over 5 years. He gave me a listing. I’m a broker both in California and Texas, and sold approximately 40 properties last year. One group of 20 homes were a direct result of my Service For Life!® monthly contact with a client, who had moved from California to Kentucky. And the 20 homes were ones that I’d sold in 1990 and resold them last year.
It’s almost on automatic pilot. My real estate practice is handled by myself, without any assistants. On average, I get a listing or a sale about every other month from the Service For Life!® program. I’ve only scratched the surface with this fine program. If I sent out more newsletters, I don’t know how I’d handle the business.
This program has given me – a non-structured person – the right amount of direction in a sense of doing a better job. Thank you, Craig Forte!
– Phil B., REALTOR®, Pinole, CA
“I Have People Come Up To Me All The time and Make Positive Comments About the Newsletter…”
I started using the “Service For Life!®” newsletter at the same time as everyone else, and I’ve gotten 2 listings, 5 buyers, and I haven’t had to pay a cent.
In fact, this past May, after only sending out two newsletters, I received a call from an old acquaintance. She wanted a new home and I ended up selling them a $1 million+ home, then sold their home to another client. Total sale: $2,098,000.
I have people come up to me all the time and make positive comments about the newsletter. They use phrases and words like, “helpful, unusual, totally different from anything they have ever received before,” etc. This is not the typical real estate newsletter!
– Greg H., REALTOR®, Acton, MA
“Please DON’T EVER STOP Sending Me Service For Life!®, Because If You Do, I’m In TROUBLE!”
When I landed in this industry and started making a living, I wanted to be as effective as possible with my marketing dollars, so I did quite a bit of research, statistically, on the best marketing methods, including farming versus general advertising, versus all the other methods that are out there.

I came across Service For Life!®, and it struck me as being sincere and genuine. And I just wanted to give you a quick buzz and let you know that my clients perceive it in the same way.
Overall, Service For Life!® is one of the better marketing vehicles that I have seen. It certainly is one of the better ones that I have employed.
More than anything, it builds the top-of-mind consciousness in the prospective clients’ minds, and I get lots of conversations, lots of comments. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been in a social setting and people have made the comment that they really appreciate the newsletter that I put out, that I must work like a dog to get this thing done. And, of course, I kind of chuckle and say, “Well, I have a guy that helps me write it.” But other than that, I take most of the credit. Sorry, Craig, that’s the way it works, buddy. It’s got my name on the front, not yours.
It’s not only how many direct deals the people who receive the newsletter will do, as it is they talk about it. And they talk about it in other social settings. And then I’ve had people call me and request subscriptions just out of the blue. People I don’t even know. They say, “Hey, this is a great newsletter. I saw it over at so-and-so’s house. Would you please put me on your list?”
Well, those are all prospects in the future, just building volume and building an impression in the overall marketplace. That’s a good thing.
So that’s the summation of my experience with the newsletter. I recommend it highly. My only comment would be please don’t ever stop sending me Service For Life!® , because if you do, I’m in TROUBLE. Okay?
– Phillip C., REALTOR®, TN
“For The First Time in 8 Years, I Finally Feel I have Control
Over My Business”
My life in real estate as I knew it, has been totally transformed. Thank you, Craig. Truth is I wake up every day excited about what the day holds. For the first time in 8 years, I feel like I have control over my business.
What I like most about the newsletter is the marketing expertise! This includes the diversity of the information provided, style in content and format – response marketing – complimented by the fact that the WORK IS DONE FOR ME!
– Stephanie P., REALTOR®, CO
“I Will Never Give Up on Service For Life!®”…
I’m a fairly new REALTOR®. June will be 2 years. Soon after I started last year, I ran across the Service For Life!® prospecting newsletter, and I bit the bullet and became a member of the system.
I was just amazed, after the first time I sent it out. I believe I sent it to about 100 people, mainly family, friends, a couple of clients I’d already worked with. The first month that I sent the newsletter out, I sent some in the mail and I walked my neighborhood, and I got 2 listings in my neighborhood from the newsletter in 2 days. I’m a fairly shy person, and it makes it easy for me to approach people with Service For Life!®.
A lot of people knew my face from walking the neighborhood, but they really knew my dogs. So in the newsletter, I had a couple of pictures of my dogs, so they put 2 and 2 together and put the dogs with me.
I’ve tried personal coaching with people and some other methods of getting business, but I will never give up on Service For Life!®. Craig’s company is great. If you have a question, they’re there for you – it’s a great service.
– Sharon B., REALTOR®, CA
“I Slacked-Off On Service For Life!® And The Phone Calls
To The Office Would Drop Off…”

I’m a real estate broker here. I started using Service For Life!® when Craig Forte first introduced it, from issue number one. I wasn’t real consistent with it, but I have a marketing background and I track the results really well.
Typically, right now, I will get anywhere from 2 to 7 calls or referrals every month, when I send out the Service For Life!®. They don’t always turn into 7 deals, but they do turn something.
I tracked it, because I kind of slacked off a little bit on it, and I could see the phone calls would drop off to the office.
I get comments from clients that they just say, “Keep it coming.” They really like it. I go over to do a listing, and they’ll say, “You know, the reason that we’re using you is because you stay in touch,” and they hold up the Service For Life!® newsletter.
So it’s been easy for me to use and I modify it. Sometimes, I take out the trivia question and put in something hot I want to mention for the month. Or sometimes I’ll drop in a flyer on some of my listings that I want to push or motivated sellers wanting to move things. So it’s very versatile in that respect.
– Ron, REALTOR®, Charlotte, NC
Top 6% Prudential REALTOR® Reveals Secret To Consistent Production Numbers…
We’ve been using Service For Life!® for about 2 years now, and I can say that approximately 50% of our transactions come from it. We’re in the top 6% of Prudential REALTORS® nationally, and this has been a tremendous help to us.

I think the fact that I’m in front of my client base every month is a constant reminder to them that I’m there and willing to help them with their real estate needs.
I constantly hear comments like, “We love the articles, keep it up.” It’s been a great program. We like it very much. Thanks.
– Carl M., REALTOR®, CA
“Unfortunately, Most Agents Don’t Recognize The Value Of Staying In Contact With Friends and Clients…
All The Better For Me, I Guess…”
We’ve been using the Service For Life!® newsletter for about 2 years now. We don’t do postcards and mail-arounds, the just-solds or holiday greetings type of cards at all. But we know from the personal response that we get from our Service For Life!® clients, how well our little newsletter is received.
We have just 274 carefully-qualified sphere of influence and past client recipients right now, with an additional 44 prospects who receive our Service For Life!® newsletter each month.
Jennifer, my daughter and partner, personalizes the news each month with the names of those having a birthday as well as new clients sold and listed. I try to take time for a short, personal message about how our 5 family team members are doing in sales and with our personal lives.
I make it a point to mention Beebo, our new granddaughter, and Roter, our rat terrier in almost every issue. It’s amazing how many of our friends and clients follow our saga and, with just a little questioning, will admit that they enjoy receiving the Service For Life!® newsletter each month.
I don’t believe in a lot of hype, but we sold 47 sides last year and expect to reach about 80 sides this year. We believe that as we gradually increase the number of qualified recipients we have on our Service For Life!® mailing list, it will become an even more valuable part of our overall marketing program.
Your service, as well as that of the printer that you suggested, has been excellent and we’re very happy to work with you. I recommend Service For Life!® to most agents I meet. Unfortunately, most agents don’t recognize the value of staying in contact with friends and clients. All the better for me, I guess.
This is Jim with RE/MAX, looking forward to a great new year and a dozen more Service For Life!® newsletters.
– Jim S., REALTOR®, RE/MAX of Grand Rapids
Orlando REALTOR® Reveals Essential Secret For Maximizing Net ‘Take-Home’ Profits In Real Estate…
I’ve been using Service For Life!® for 3 years now, and putting it together has become, over the years, very simple, very easy. What used to take about a half an hour for me to do now is down to about 10 minutes. Very easy to edit and to create in the format in which it’s sent over to us.
The feedback that I’ve received from my clients over the last 3 years has been extremely positive. At first, I was a little reluctant to use it because it wasn’t full-colored, gloss, like some of the other newsletters that you can purchase out there. But the feedback that I get from my newsletter is the fact that it looks like I have taken the time to put it together myself and that I take care in what I’m doing for my clients.
I have clients that call every single month on my trivia question. It is a great way to stay in touch with people. They call me just to tell me that they enjoyed certain articles. They call to play the trivia question. And, of course, when I get 15 or 20 calls on it, I end up calling everyone back. It allows me to stay in touch. One of the best benefits from this product is that I have, in essence, reduced my overall advertising down to just this and one other item that I do for advertising. So my net profit is so much better, because I’ve managed to cut out all of my other advertising.
It allows me to only advertise within the people that I want to do business with.
It allows me to ask for referrals, because I keep in touch with them on a regular basis. And with the cover letter that I create for this, because of the sample cover letter that you will get, I’m able to let all of my friends and customers stay up to date on myself, my husband, my daughter, and what’s going on.
I actually listed a property last week, with a gentleman who’s been receiving my newsletter for about 3 years. And the first thing he said when I walked in is, “Your daughter’s in school in Texas, how is she doing?”
So it is definitely read. It is so easy to put together. And it has been an amazing tool for me, in the fact that it allows me to save money on advertising. And I concentrate strictly on this and one other item for advertising. So therefore, my net is so much better. Thank you.
– Diane G., REALTOR®, Orlando, FL
“We’re On The Tip Of Our Client’s Tongues All The Time…”
I’ve been using Service For Life!® now for 4 years. It’s a phenomenal piece. It is the most unique newsletter I’ve seen, with none of the usual things in it, like the recipes or full of just real estate stats. Nothing boring. It’s a very amusing piece, which people love to read.
I continually get calls from my clients. If they’ve moved or if they have friends who they’d like to get it, if I would please send it to them. What that does is automatically increase my database.
These people are seeing my name and my face every 30 days with this newsletter, and very much enjoying what they’re reading. What I do also, on my cover letter, is I include all of my sales and listings, all of the activity I’ve done in the prior 30 days. And as a result, they see how successful I am. And that naturally results in many more referrals and repeat business also.
My database grows each month from these types of referrals. My clients that are on it are all my past clients or anybody that I’ve spoken to, who has any type of interest at all in real estate. Everybody, at one point, has to look for a REALTOR®. And by getting this piece every 30 days, your face and your name is right in front of them. So you’re on the tip of their tongue all the time.
It’s a great keep-in-touch system, better than any keep-in-touch system I’ve ever used. I recommend it highly. You’ll see your clients will be raving fans.
As a matter of fact, once I had a person – unfortunately for me – slip away to a For Sale By Owner. After calling me and apologizing and sending me a beautiful gift basket for my consolation, they asked me if I would still please consider sending them the Service For Life!® newsletter, at which point, of course, I did. I got many referrals from them because of it.
If you’re considering using it, I would say go ahead, you can’t waste another minute. Good luck.
– Linda L., REALTOR®, NJ
Frustrated New Agent Asks For ‘Insider Tips’ From Top Producer On Growing Her Business…Gets Referred To Service For Life!®…

I’ve been using Craig Forte’s Service For Life!® prospecting newsletter since my first year. I actually was seeking out some other experienced agents, growing frustrated by all different kinds of farming and things. And I really wanted somebody who was doing well, and I asked for some insider tips, how they were doing it. He referred me to Service For Life!®.
Originally I thought, “What can a newsletter do?” But after using it and after being consistent with it, I would say not even 6 months, people were calling me. People were acting as if they knew me, and I didn’t even know who they were. It was all by association.
They had read the newsletter and they just started seeing me around the tract and putting 2 and 2 together, and all of a sudden I became a household name that even the small kids in the tract knew. Now I’m perceived as the “real estate authority” in the area.
I’ve been very consistent with giving away many and great restaurant prizes with the trivia questions. And I’m not kidding you, I know what day they’ve received it because my phone is ringing off the hook. Literally, I know if somebody didn’t get theirs in the mail for a reason, because they call me because they want to see the newsletter. It has been really a fabulous advantage to my real estate career.
In a way, I kind of don’t want to tell anybody else about this, but I’m doing it for Craig because it’s been so beneficial for me. Over half of my referrals for listings and sales have come from Service For Life!®, from the short time that I have used it. I think, “Craig, good job!” each time you do a newsletter, it gets easier and easier. I’ve even got secretarial support that helps me with it now, too. So that even makes it easier.
I fully believe in making your cover page be bright colors and changing it every month. Sincerely, it’s a great product and I highly recommend it even though I really don’t want a lot of other agents using it too.
Anyway, best of luck to all of you. Craig, thank you so much.
– Terry C., REALTOR®, AZ
Your Results Will EXPLODE When You Give People What They Want…
I’ve been using Service For Life!® for about 6 months or so. It is so easy. It’s just really easy to upload all your information. The mailing with your printer is just phenomenal. They’re so helpful and resourceful. It’s just unbelievable.
The feedback that I’ve actually gotten from clients is the fact that it’s unique. It’s not the traditional, typical postcard, just listed, just promoting yourself as a REALTOR®. People really like the fact that they’re getting some useful information as well as trivia and tidbits.
My clients have really commented, especially the fact when they’re actually quoted and they see their name in writing that is going out to other people, they really seem to enjoy that.
I’m in an area where there’s a lot of competition and there’s a lot of high-end properties or there’s an agent that really gives me a run for my money, and the Service For Life!® prospecting newsletter really differentiates me from other agents.
I personally enjoy the Service For Life!® newsletter. It’s easy to use. It’s flexible. You can use as much of it or as little of it as you want. You’ve got all of the templates, so you don’t have to really think about anything. All the work is done by Craig and his staff, so it’s just a wonderful, wonderful tool and I wish that there were other newsletters like this for other industries, because so many people have asked me about it. But unfortunately, I’m not able to share it past real estate.
I love it. Thanks, Craig, for your help. I look forward to having future issues. Have a great day.
– Stacy L., REALTOR®, Atlantis, FL
“I’m Getting Business From People Who I Haven’t Even Met Yet…”
I’ve just got to tell you, Service For Life!® is the best bang for the buck that I’ve ever experienced with my business. No lie. It’s been terrific reconnecting with people that I haven’t been able to stay in touch with consistently, simply because I’m able to mail out this little newsletter once a month.
I do it as you recommended, with first-class stamps, personalized cover letters, and I get nothing but positive feedback from clients. They find the articles interesting, they like that it’s quick and easy to read, whether it’s the jokes or the informative articles about illness or saving money or whatever.
People also love seeing their name in print. We take advantage of your suggestion there, to make mention of people that we want to thank for referrals. The trivia question has also been a huge hit and has caused me to reconnect with several people that I haven’t had a chance to speak with in years. It’s been terrific. So it’s a great vehicle to stay in touch with people.
The bottom line is it’s fun, it’s a unique and easy way to maintain contact with a database. I build my business by referral. This is a tool and a vehicle that works really well in the context of how I do my business.
I am getting business from people that I haven’t even met yet, people who were referred to me, who have gotten on the newsletter mail list or have been put on my database by my assistants that I might not even have met yet. But because of the newsletter, once in a while with a phone call, they begin to know me really well, with a cover letter, with the messages that I’m able to send along with the newsletter.
It’s been just a terrific asset to our business. Thanks a bunch, Craig. Appreciate it.
– Steve L., REALTOR®, CA
“These People Just Started Calling Out Of The Blue Sky,
and It Really SHOCKED US!”
I just started using the Service For Life!® recently. Seeing as I’ve been in the business for so long, since 1983, we’re always looking for something new, something interesting, something to kind of better ourselves in what we do.
I happened to see the article for Service For Life!®, so I thought I’d go ahead and check into that to see what it had to offer.
We liked what we saw and they sent us a sample and information, and we went over all of the details and signed up for the Service For Life!® program.
Surprisingly, in the first 60 days we sent out 2 mailers to our farm area, and after 60 days we received 4 phone calls from people we’ve never even talked to before. Our current business, we do about 95% success rate on repeat business or referral business. We rely on it quite a bit. And I was really interested in looking for some type of system or tool to go ahead and use to bring in some new business, which would allow us to grow a lot further.
With Service For Life!®, I think we hit it right on the mark. I was really surprised. We had been farming this particular area for years. These people just started calling out of the blue sky, and it really SHOCKED US!
What’s wonderful about Service For Life!® is it’s different. It’s not intimidating. It’s fun. It’s got a lot of factual information. We even have clients call us up and they’re really upset they’re not client of the month, so we try to get as many clients as we possibly can.
People love it. They find it informative. I actually like the cartoons that are on there, and trivia. Trivia is pretty important. People get excited. We give away some prizes for correct answers on that. It drives our existing clients nuts. We think it’s awesome. We think it’s great. In that 60-day period, we actually had 4 listing interviews, we listed 2 properties off of 2 people that we’ve never even heard of. So we think it’s pretty good, pretty awesome.
We have our clients going nuts over what that offers, as far as listings, information, buyers. We’re getting so many leads off of that particular program, that we would not have gotten had it not been for Service For Life!®. So thank you so much, guys. We love it. It’s doing great.
– Guy P., REALTOR®, CA
“It Has Increased My Business To Where I’m Getting At Least 90% OF My Transactions Through Referrals and Friends of Friends.”
Just a quick comment on Service For Life!®. It has increased my business to where I’m getting at least 90% of my transactions through referrals and friends of friends. So that part has been great. It allows me to schedule my time and be a little more productive than just doing open houses and that type of thing.
From my clients, I have become closer in the relationship because they enjoy the letter. They call me. They talk to me about it. Most times, I will tell them that if they view it as junk mail, please let me know so I can take them off the mailing list. I don’t like junk mail.
In response to that, “Oh no, don’t take me off the list. I learn something from it each time or I have a good laugh over some of the comments in there. So Jan, please leave me on your mailing list and I’ll see if I can’t win the trivia next time.”
So thank you for allowing me to be one of the users of Service For Life!®. It’s helped a great deal in my profession.
– Jan S., REALTOR®, CA
“I Just Wanted To Give You A Few Little Pointers
on Service For Life!”
I just wanted to give you a few little pointers on Service For Life!®: #1) You have to start with it. #2) It will work. It’s just been phenomenal.
It’s amazing the times you’ll have somebody call you and say, “Hey, my name’s so-and-so and so-and-so recommended you to me.” These may be people you haven’t dealt with in 2 or 3 years or even seen in 2 or 3 years, but they’ve been getting your newsletter each month.
Sometimes, when you do see people, “I’m getting your letter. Hey, that’s really neat. Continue sending it.” I can’t say enough to recommend it.
I say try it. Try it, you will marry it. It’s very, very good. Thanks so much.
– Richard A., REALTOR®, AL
“People Are Getting To Know Us And They Consider Themselves Friends After Reading This”
We’ve been using Service For Life!® now for several years. We’ve found it to be wonderful. It’s a very low-impact or low-key way of keeping in touch with your clients or farm. We do have clients who call us and say, “I haven’t received my newsletter, please send it to me.”
But the most favorable comments that we get on it are the general type information. It’s not real estate. People don’t feel like they’re being forced to be educated in real estate. They’re getting to know us as people and they consider themselves friends after reading this and hearing the comments we put at the very beginning, our personal things about us in the letter.
And then the newsletter itself has so many interesting things. People tell us that they leave them around their house for a while. I’ve had people actually send me hints back, based on articles.
But we’ve found it really good. It really increased our referral business to the point that we are almost predominantly referral.
It is a good way of keeping in touch. It’s very, very low-key. Basically, we put the letter together, put several comments in, change the “I’s” to “we’s” and everything is taken care of from then. A very small amount of time on our part, as far as working with it.
– Carol H., REALTOR®, FL
Top Keller-Williams Agent Confesses… “Sorry Craig Forte, But I Don’t Tell ANY Of My Co-Workers About Service For Life!® Because I Don’t Want Them To Know…It’s Definitely My Secret Silver Bullet…”
I’ve been in real estate for 5 years. I started using Service For Life!® about 6 months of being into real estate, when it seemed like it was a little difficult to afford. But within a few months, it paid for itself.
Sorry, Craig Forte, but I don’t tell any of my co-workers about Service For Life!® because I don’t want them to know… It’s definitely my secret silver bullet that I use.
It is a marketing tool that I consistently mail out and I consistently get comments on it from my clients all the time, who tell me how much they love it. I’m honestly just really surprised that they all read it every month, even after having received it after all this time.
My database is about 500 people and I use it as a marketing tool also for my listings. When I meet with a prospective seller, I show that as an additional way that their home will get exposure through advertising to my past and present clients.
I am in a Keller-Williams office of over 200 agents, and I’m in the top 15 – and I have been for the past few years. And this is something that I mail out to folks that I meet at open houses or even just people I meet casually. I’m continually adding to my database. I have people call me that I met years ago, that I’d really forgotten about, but they always comment on that newsletter and they always think of me when they’re buying or selling their house.
So it’s something that I feel very strongly about and would recommend it to anybody that’s not in my geographic vicinity that’s practicing real estate. So, thanks!
– Cynthia, REALTOR®, Houston, TX
“I just had to send you this email…”
Craig, your Service For Life!® is the most powerful real estate marketing tool I’ve ever seen – it’s incredible. I’ve received more positive responses and client leads in the 2 months of sending Service For Life!® than I have in 2 years of sending out other newsletters. Just one request – PLEASE DON’T EVER STOP PUBLISHING IT!
– Ken J., REALTOR®, Bozeman, MT
“Even Though I Had Not Met This One Seller, He Called Me To List His Home…He Said That Anyone Who Spent That Much Time Putting Out This Kind of Mailing Was Probably Very Professional And He Wanted ME To Sell His Home. Mission Accomplished.”
I’ve used the Service For Life!® referral newsletter for over 3 years now.

I get a lot of great feedback from those on my mailing list. I give a gift certificate for a free dinner for 2 on the trivia question. I get a lot of good response there. One of my contact types is my golf membership. Even though I had not met this one seller, he called me to list his home. In talking with him, he said that anyone who spent that much time putting out that kind of mailing was probably very professional and he wanted ME to sell his home. Mission accomplished.
I’m getting about 50% of my business from those on my mailing list, either them or those they refer to me. Each contact I make, I send one of my extra newsletters and my follow-up letter, then I put them on my mailing list. So each month, I am adding and subtracting to my list. Thank you.
– Larry B., REALTOR®, Indianapolis, IN
“My Clients Told Me They Were Very Impressed With Service For Life!® and Therefore Very Impressed With Me”
Hello! I can’t tell you how happy I am with the Service For Life!® newsletter program. I sent out my first edition, got a call the Monday after it was mailed (went out Friday afternoon), got a listing and put it under deposit 3 days later!! My clients told me they were very impressed with Service For Life!® and therefore very impressed with me.
I ran the small trivia prize for free movie tickets, got a call and the woman was just so excited about winning. I thanked her for reading the newsletter, and she said it was great, made great reading with her morning coffee, and was looking forward to the next issue.
As if it couldn’t get better, I took the time to call your group printer. I had thought I was saving money by using a local print company. Deanna gave me price quotes that are unbelievable, which means I can have the time I need now to spend WITH MY CLIENTS, NOT printing, stuffing and sending the newsletter itself. Again, I can’t tell you how thrilled I am, how grateful I am for all your help.
But…do we have to tell everyone else about it?
– Andrea S. REALTOR®, New Milford, CT
To TOP 5% of Agents In 12 Months…”
Hi, this is Matt. I’m from Des Moines, IA. I’ve been in the real estate business for 3½ years.
I came to Des Moines from a small town in northeast Iowa, about 160 miles north of Des Moines. I didn’t know a lot of people. Got into the real estate business, and my first 7 months I was the failure poster child of our company in terms of not making any sales or getting any results. I tried everything I could to get things going, along with the open houses and some of the personal ads and that sort of thing. It took me about 7½ months to make my first $1,000.
I’ve got to tell you I am so thrilled with the results I’ve had with the Service For Life!® message on a monthly basis. It’s really, really helped my business.
From year one, I didn’t make that 6-figure income. But year 2 and 3, I did in this business. And last year, my ranking in the town of Des Moines was in the top 5% of 1,600 agents. I really, truly believe that part of the work that I do and the people that I service, a very critical part of that, is the Service For Life!® monthly newsletter.
I don’t use anywhere near all the tools that Craig Forte provides, because I’m busy. It takes me anywhere between 20 and 30 minutes a month, and I have someone address and stuff the envelopes and mail them for me.
So from a time standpoint, it doesn’t take me very long. But what’s really interesting is the feedback that I’ve gotten on this letter. From the first month until now, it started very, very slowly and just kept building and building and building. And as my business has built and my contacts have built, it’s become a very, very interesting tool for me.
Last summer, I had a client that I took off my mailing list because I’d met him at an open house and just thought, “Well, there’d been no more contact.” Anyway, out of the clear blue sky, he calls me up and asks me to do a listing presentation for his house. I listed his house, sold his house in 7 days, and when we were finalizing the deal he leaned over and pulled open a drawer and there was a stack of 12, 13 or 14 newsletters. He said, “I just really, really enjoy this newsletter.” Then he said, “That’s why I called you back.” Quite frankly, I’m thrilled with being involved with Craig Forte and this marketing tool.
The other thing that I find very, very interesting is that it’s been so easy for me. There have been times when I’ve been out shopping at a store and ran into a past client, and they’ll make a remark about the newsletter. So I know that people are, on the whole, reading it, getting it, and I’m in front of their faces.
Anyway, I hope whoever happens to hear this takes it to heart. It really, really, really is a great vehicle for staying in touch with your clients. My business has been going like a locomotive down the track, and this is one of the tools that helped me to get there.
– Matt A., REALTOR®, IA
“If You’re Tired Of Having Mediocre Results From Your Advertising or Tired of the Amount of Money You Spend Where You Don’t Get Any Return, I Strongly Urge You To Try Service For Life!® Once You Try It, You Won’t Go Back To Any Other Marketing…”

My wife and I have been into real estate for just a little over 2 years. The first full year of real estate, we made over 6 figures. Our second year production was substantially higher and was in 6 figures also. And Service For Life!® is the backbone of our business.
It has given us a way to contact our clients and talk to them about our services. We don’t cold-call. We don’t knock on doors. We don’t farm. All we do is send this out to our clients. It’s awesome, it’s easy to use. We’ve hired someone to help us produce the newsletter and get it ready, and hired teenagers to pack the envelopes and mail it.
It’s the best real estate tool we have, and we wouldn’t use anything else. In fact, it’s so good we’re going to sign up for Craig Forte’s other programs because everything we’ve seen come from Craig and his company has been awesome and we know it will work. And to top it off, we haven’t even been able to add all 3 steps of his 3-Step Program (www.3-Steps.com), because we’ve got so much work with just what we have. We’re getting ready to hire a buyer’s agent and transaction coordinator, so we can move up to the next level and implement more steps in the plan.
If you’re tired of having mediocre results from your advertising or tired of the amount of money you spend where you don’t get any return, I strongly advise you to try Service For Life!®. Once you try it, you won’t go back to any other marketing. It’s awesome.
– Tom C., REALTOR®, AZ
“I Got The Listing Because He Felt My Follow-Up Program Was Indicative Of The Type Of Service He Would Receive From Me As An Agent”
I just wanted to let you know about the Service For Life!® newsletter. It’s been very, very helpful in helping me increase my business. I went from a single tri-fold 8½ by 11 mailer and moved into the Service For Life!® newsletter about 18 months ago.
I also wanted to share a comment I got yesterday, as a matter of fact. I took a listing, fairly high-priced, a $435,000 listing. The client is a well-known businessman in the area and he’d indicated to me that the reason that he chose me over other REALTORS® and other agents in the area was the fact of my absolutely “awesome” – to quote him – follow-up program.
He had contacted me a couple of years ago in regards to getting a CMA on his property. I put him on my Service For Life!® newsletter and he indicated that the newsletter was informative as well as humorous and gave him a lot of things to look at. And he felt my follow-up program was indicative of the type of service he would receive from me as an agent. That was the primary reason why he chose me over other real estate agents that were also his clients in his business. I thought I’d pass that along to you.
Last year, from my farm I’ve received listings and sales out of my farm as a direct result of the contact through the Service For Life!® newsletter.
I’ve also found that the newsletter is very easy to use. It’s easy to modify and to personalize that to make it look like it comes directly from me and not from some kind of a print house. Anyway, I hope you can use the feedback. We’ll see you soon.
– Don, REALTOR®, Palmdale, CA
“I Wanted A Marketing System That’s Very Powerful, That Has VALUE To It, but Is Also Something Not Everyone Else In Town Is Doing…Anything Else I do Is Simply Secondary To This…”
I just want to share some of my comments on the Service For Life!® newsletter and what a phenomenal tool this is, that Craig Forte and his team have put together.
When I was looking for a marketing system, obviously there’s a ton of things out there; the postcards, the flyers that everybody does. What was very important to me was I wanted a system that’s very powerful, that has value to it, but is also something that not everybody else in town is doing. And that was very, very much the reason I decided to use the Service For Life!® newsletter.
Obviously, the importance of systematic contact with a warm market and it’s just loaded with things that encourage people to get back in touch with me, as a real estate agent, that’s what it’s all about – getting people on the phone with us.
I also love the way that it’s just designed that you can market with other professionals and it doesn’t even have to cost you a cent. But man, what an incredible investment. It’s certainly not an expense. It’s a win-win for everyone, and it’s the best thing I’ve found. Anything else I do is simply secondary to this. Good luck!
– Darrell H., REALTOR®, Napa, ID
“It Has Really Done The Job Of Making My Paycheck Consistent…”
I probably went to 15 or 16 seminars by different people that had professed that along with their system they used a prospecting newsletter. And by far, yours is the best, Craig Forte.
It gives me calls that I hadn’t expected. It gives me listings that maybe I haven’t heard from them but all of a sudden they’ll call me and say, “I just enjoy your newsletter so much, I know you’re a wonderful person.” So the newsletter has reduced my stress. It keeps me, even when I’m having a bad day, all of a sudden I’ll get a call from it.
So I want you to know how happy I am to have used it. I still have to put my time aside to complete it, which is hard sometimes, especially when you’re very busy with escrows. But it has really helped me out. I just can’t tell you how you’ve assisted me in evening out my business, evening out my paycheck, and bringing me so many surprises in life.”
– Michelle C. , REALTOR®, CA
I probably went to 15 or 16 seminars by different people that had professed that along with their system they used a prospecting newsletter. And by far, yours is the best, Craig Forte.
It gives me calls that I hadn’t expected. It gives me listings that maybe I haven’t heard from them but all of a sudden they’ll call me and say, “I just enjoy your newsletter so much, I know you’re a wonderful person.” So the newsletter has reduced my stress. It keeps me, even when I’m having a bad day, all of a sudden I’ll get a call from it.
So I want you to know how happy I am to have used it. I still have to put my time aside to complete it, which is hard sometimes, especially when you’re very busy with escrows. But it has really helped me out. I just can’t tell you how you’ve assisted me in evening out my business, evening out my paycheck, and bringing me so many surprises in life.”
– Michelle C. , REALTOR®, CA
“I Recently Went On Vacation and I Had About 10 Messages Wondering Where Their Latest Issue Was…”
I have been using your Service For Life!® for about a year now. I have nothing but positive feedback from it, from my clients and my friends. Actually, I live in a very small community, so everyone tries to win the trivia question.
They actually asked me to put theirs in will call, so they got it before everybody else in the mail. It was kind of funny. Anyway, it has brought closer relationships between my clients and myself. They actually call me and commend me on the newsletter and look forward to receiving it in their mailbox every month.
I recently went on vacation and I had about 10 messages wondering where their latest issue was. So yeah, I really am enjoying putting it out. It’s very user-friendly. I look forward to each and every copy in the future.
Thank you so much, again, for your time.
– Beth R., REALTOR®, Guerneville, CA
“I’ve Looked At Other Mailers Other Companies Offer…
I’ve Even Tried A Couple…And I ALWAYS Come Back To
Craig Forte’s Service For Life!®…”
I love Service For Life!®. I’ve been a member 4 years now. It’s extremely easy to use. I send it out on the 10th of each month. The CD comes in and my assistant makes the changes that need to be made, putting my name in and website and phone numbers and things like that.
I have looked at other mailers that other companies have to offer. I’ve even tried a couple, and I always come back to Craig Forte’s Service For Life!® because to me it is just the most user-friendly. My clients love it. I have been practicing real estate for over 10 years. I run into clients in the stores and at the mall, and they come up to me and say, “Oh, I just loved your newsletter.” The joke was funny or the hints for getting a loan or what to watch out for,” anything like that, they always make comments about.

Of course, they love the gifts for the trivia questions. It’s real easy to offer to new clients. I just tell them that it’s not totally real estate related. It does have little tidbits about real estate, but it’s just a lot of fun stuff. And they’re very open to receiving it. And then, of course, they call in on the trivia and make comments on how much they like it.
As far as results, I think it’s the best keep-in-touch tool I have. The newsletter is always the one tool that everybody looks forward to every month. Most of all, I think it keeps me in the forefront as a genuine human being to them. And 98% of the people that I deal with come back to me for another home or to sell their home, or a number of things.
It’s a great tool. So I love it. I don’t think there’s anything else out there quite like it and I will continue to use it. Thank you so much.
– Carla, REALTOR®, Temecula, CA
“I’ve Seen Other Mailers Used by Other Salespeople, and They Appear More Like a Static Business Card; Where Service For Life!® Has Life and Energy with its Current Articles and Information
that Readers Can Bite Into…”
I wanted to take a moment to comment on your newsletter. I thought that this might be of help to you, because there are always those people out there in doubt.
I’ve been mailing Service For Life!® as my prospecting and referral newsletter for probably 3 years, every month, month after month, on a regular basis. And Craig, since the real estate business is a relationship business, I feel my newsletter is an organized means or a system by which I’m able to keep in touch with my sphere.
Not only do I keep in touch with my sphere, but I use it as a way to communicate with all of my quality prospects, where otherwise I could drop the ball and perhaps forget and not stay in touch. That’s so typical of all of us.
I feel the newsletter’s a quality letter, presented in a very professional manner. It’s designed to allow you to put as much or as little of your own ideas as you choose. And they can be completed and emailed to your printer.
I’ve had individuals call me just to tell me they look forward to receiving the newsletter every month. I can directly attribute receiving sales resulting from the use of my letter. I’ve seen other mailers used by other salespeople, and these letters appear more like a static business card; where Service For Life!® has life and energy with its current articles, information that readers can bite into.
Craig, I’d be most happy to recommend your newsletter to individuals who have questions or doubts as to its quality. You have changed my whole philosophy of marketing, for which I’m very grateful. My whole real estate business is operating from a platform very similar to your ideas and ideals.
Again, I thank you.
– Jim W., REALTOR® , Columbus, OH
“You Made A Very Tough Business A Lot Less Stressful For Me…”
The first thing I did when I got out of real estate school was become a member of the Service For Life!® prospecting system.
I used it primarily to farm a specific area, and I found in a very short period of time that I was generating a lot of response in the entire area, which ultimately led to a great first year in the business.
I know for a fact Service For Life!® contributed to a good amount of referrals and made me out to be an instant expert in the entire farming area. I now use the letter for farming and to keep in touch with my past clients. People are truly excited when they receive the envelope, and they can’t wait to see what’s in the next issue.
Thank you, Service For Life!®. You made a very tough business a lot less stressful for me.”
– Randy, REALTOR®, AZ
New Agent Captures Big % of Local Market and Becomes Second Largest Producer In Office – In Less Than 3 Years
I just wanted to give you some feedback on Service For Life!®. It’s so easy for a REALTOR® to lose a customer. Now I just throw them in the database, and marking them as a Service For Life!® subscriber I know that they’ll hear from me every month. And I think that’s great and important.
First, I’d say that it is very easy to use. Not only to produce and print, but also to stay in touch with your customers. I can’t think of an easier way to do that.
Secondly, I’d like to just give you some customer feedback. I think that the customers love it. I’ve had a number of customers call and tell me not to send any more just listed or just sold cards to them, but I’ve NEVER had anyone call and say, ‘Stop sending me your newsletter.’
I guess finally and most importantly would be the results. I use the newsletter to farm 1,000 condominiums behind my office, and last year I took 15 listings out of the 50 that were made back there. So that’s about a 30% capture rate. I also got at least 5 sales from friends and family members that were subscribers to my newsletter. I actually got 2 listings outside the farm from referrals that were given to me by Service For Life!® subscribers.
So all in all, it’s a real powerful tool and I think I’d recommend it to anyone, especially someone who’s just getting started. I’ve only been selling real estate for 3 years, and I have used the newsletter since about the third month I was in business.
This year, I was the second largest producer in our office. Take care. Have a good day.
– Scott, REALTOR®, Bradenton, FL
Service For Life!® Is a Wonderful Way To Get Your Name Out in Front of a Lot of People
Service For Life!® has helped my real estate business just bloom and grow. My clients give me back wonderful feedback every time they receive an issue. The program itself is easy to use. All you have to do is personalize it. It’s easy, easy, easy.
I’ve been using Service For Life!® now for 4 years, and I’ve only been in business for 5. The very first year I used it, I made the Million Dollar Club, which I was just thrilled with.
Also, sending the newsletter has kept my name in homes across the country and even in Europe, where I send it to several of my military friends. They’re teachers and they use it in their classrooms, the trivia question and the different articles that are in it. They really like that.
It also has many people calling me back to say, “Hey Meg, how can we do this for our taxes? What does this assessment mean? How come it’s appraised at this and assessed at that?” And they really have asked me good questions. Thanks to the Service For Life!® newsletter, I’ve been able to convey my answers back to them.
We send it out about every 4 weeks. And when I am late for some reason, I had the flu at Christmas time and I was late, everybody called to find out where it was. People look forward to it. I enjoy using it. And it’s just a wonderful way to get your name out in front of a lot of people. Thank you.
– Meg, REALTOR®, Colonial Heights, VA
Agent “Kicking Himself” For NOT Using Service For Life!® Sooner…
I’ve been in the business for about 2 years and am a little bit chagrined to say that I’ve been a Service For Life!® member for about a year but never sent it out.
Well, I finally got around to sending it out and the first thing I did was customize it. It took me about 15 minutes. So the fear of that being complicated was overcome. It really wasn’t tough at all.
Sent them out and waited; 2 days later I got a wonderful phone call from a lady who I had been on a listing appointment about 5 months ago. At the time, we thought we were going to list her house, but she decided not to. She said she just didn’t want to list it. She called me up and said, “Hey, I’ve been thinking about you for about the last 2 weeks but haven’t picked up the phone. Your newsletter came, I really enjoyed it, it made me pick up the phone. So I went out and listed her house, and it was $440,000.
Good things do happen when you use Service For Life!®.
Additionally, I had 2 people that called me that I hadn’t talked to in a long time, and they said, ‘Hey, it was kind of neat and good to hear from you.’ And lastly, I had a person call me whom I hadn’t spoken with in about 5 years. And it turned out that he was now in the loan business and was a loan officer. We chatted for a while and he gave me 2 qualified leads for people that wanted to buy houses.
I can say I’m sort of kicking myself because I wished I’d used it a lot sooner than I did. I’ve actually already got my next issue that goes out in about 2 weeks customized and the cover letter’s about half-written.
So on this one, I’m getting ready ahead of time and looking forward to sending it out. Before I did send it out, I listened to the tapes again, that came with the originals, and got some great ideas. The feedback is tremendous. I highly recommend it. It’s an easy, low stress, low pressure way to get people to call you.
Thanks again, Craig. I’m looking forward to putting out the next issue. Have a great day.
– Toby V., REALTOR®, MD
“Business Coach Recommends Service For Life!®,
Now Agent Can’t Live Without It…”
Just wanted to call and comment on Service For Life!®. Actually, I started using Service For Life!® a couple of years ago, on a recommendation from my business coach, which happens to be one of your favorite people in your circle of friends.
The disk comes to me, I stick it in my computer, and I make the small changes that I need to make. It takes me – tops – 30 minutes. A little bit of time, and all of a sudden it goes out to 600 people. It’s probably one of my best tools that I use right now to get people to call me.
With a sphere that large, it’s really hard to stay in contact with so many people. Top Producer does a great job of keeping me updated on the people that I need to call, but Service For Life!® just keeps me in front of them on a personal level every single month.
Back about 6 months ago, I got really busy and I just simply didn’t have time to take care of it myself, and I put it off for 2 or 3 months. I must have gotten 6 or 8 phone calls every month. People saying, “Hey, did you forget about me? Did you take me off the list? I haven’t gotten your newsletter in the last couple of months. I hope everything’s okay. I really miss getting the trivia question or whatnot.”
So it really did hit home that I really need to keep up with this thing. So I’ve gone back to doing it and it’s just phenomenal the response I get. Not only that, but in the very beginning when my coach suggested that I do it, within like the first 2 or 3 months I had 4 transactions just from people who called me from the newsletter. So I didn’t ever have any type of referral service that got people to call me back so quickly and feel obligated to send me business.
But it has worked fantastic for getting people in my sphere to pick up the phone and think of me on a monthly basis. And now that it’s outsourced and I don’t handle it anymore, it’s even a greater tool for me and it is well worth what I pay to have it done.
It’s just a really powerful tool. Everything you’ve done for me in my business has been fantastic. But the Service For Life!® newsletter is definitely a big piece of my system that I can’t live without.
So I’m glad to give feedback for it. I hope you can use it. Anything I can ever do, I’m always there to help out. And any tools that you send my way, I will put to use 100% because they all work.
Hope this helps, Craig. Take care and let me know if I can ever be of any service. Thanks so much.
– Jason L., REALTOR®, NC
Service For Life® Looked Like a Far Better Way of Staying in Touch with Clients
I’ve been a REALTOR® for 9 years and I went through all the tricks of staying in touch with my past clients. I tried the recipe cards, and the people would just ask if I’d tried one of the recipes. Then, I saw a Service For Life!® ad and thought it looked like a far better way of staying in touch with clients.
In my opinion, it is the best way of keeping in touch with your clientele and it allows you to thank others when they do give you leads. Plus, you can stay friendly with your past clients by passing along what is happening in your life.
– Terry, REALTOR®, Sioux Falls, SD
“I Don’t Have to Sit Down Each Month and Create it All Myself”

As a REALTOR®, I’ve been in the business 34 years, and my downfall has been being consistent. And this letter allows that because I don’t have to sit down each month and create it all myself. The people we send it to think we spent the time putting it all together, when in fact your organization did it all and we just added personal touches.
– Dan H., REALTOR®, Fountain Valley, CA
“There Are So Many Gimmicks Out There… But This One Really Works…”
I began using the Service For Life!® program 2 years ago, and it’s been absolutely phenomenal. Not only have I made a lot of friends, it’s made my business fun and financially rewarding.
It totally amazes me, there are so many gimmicks out there. But this really works. I actually have customers and clients that call me with ideas for my newsletter, and I have this one elderly couple who forward their joke of the month to me, to put in my newsletter. They get such a kick out of it.
I missed one month, due to an illness, and I actually had people calling me, asking how come I stopped sending it.
So I would recommend this to anybody who wants assistance, who wants to set themselves apart from the other many real estate agents out there. This definitely is something you’ll want to utilize.
– Kenneth T., REALTOR®, Orchard Park, NY
“Service For Life!® Is Simple, Honest and To The Point…It Shows You Care About Real Estate, But More Importantly You Also Care About The Family…”
I used to produce my own newsletter. I just talked about real estate. Then I found Service For Life!® about 2 years ago, and this format is much better than what I had before. It’s more family oriented and we’re still keeping in touch with the clients.
It takes me about a half-hour to personalize the newsletter, add a cover page, and email to West Press, our group printer. It really makes my day when I receive another favorable comment about the newsletter. In fact, they keep saying, “Keep sending it!”
I would also like to add I appreciate Craig’s service. It comes through with care and honesty. Service For Life!® is simple, honest, and to the point. It shows you care about real estate, but more importantly you also care about the family.
Besides my other designations, I’m also a certified relocation specialist and work with families and agents all over the country. Feel free to contact me for any questions you may have about our area and the lakeshores of Lake Michigan and the many inland lakes. Working together brings fun and a personal touch to our profession. To Craig Forte, I want to say, “Keep up the good work. I really appreciate your efforts.” I hope this message is of help to other agents.
– Gert B., REALTOR®, MI
“I Never Have To Think About What I’m Going To Send Out To My Farm, Leads or Clients Each Month…”

Hi Craig! I’ve been using Service For Life!® since you started offering it. Gosh, I don’t know, it’s been at least 5 years, I guess. I think it’s the greatest way to stay in touch with my farm and previous clients.
It’s perfect, because I never have to think about what I’m going to send out to my farm, leads or clients each month. The newsletter is so easy to personalize. I usually have it done in about 15 to 20 minutes, and then it’s off to the printer.
In January, I inserted a market update showing all of the sales for the previous year for each farm that I mail to. I received so many calls telling me how much the clients appreciated receiving the update and how much they enjoy my informative newsletter.
They actually look forward to receiving it each month. And if they don’t get it on time, I have a couple that call me and ask me where it’s at. I even have some clients giving me ideas on what to put in the next one and asking me to mail one to a friend.
I would say the majority of my listings come from the farm areas that receive Service For Life!®. They understand the marketing I do and they can rely on the fact that I’ll be around next month.
Thanks, Craig, for making it easy on us agents. I really appreciate all of your marketing ideas and helpful hints. It helps to keep things fresh.
– Susan B., REALTOR®, Oxnard, CA
“I Received 80% Of My Business As Referrals Because Of Service For Life!®”
I just wanted to share my information with how much I love my Service For Life!® prospecting and referral newsletter. I have been using Craig’s system now for 2 years and have just had a tremendous response, not only from my sphere of influence but my entire database.
People love it and look forward to getting it. They really like seeing their name in my newsletter and they enjoy calling in and letting me know the answer for the quiz. That has been a great success.
But most of all, I have received 80% of my business as referrals because of that newsletter. I have also told other agents in my office about it, who are also using it and finding the same success rate as I am. It’s just a very personable, fun way to keep in touch with your clients every month, and I love it.
It took about 3 to 6 months of consistency every month, of sending it out, to see the results. But they have been significant. And if I miss a month, I receive phone calls letting me know they’re disappointed they didn’t get it. So, to say the least, I make sure I stay on top of it now.
Thank you so much, Craig. What a great tool. I have no intention of every stopping. I’m going to keep using it. It’s an absolutely great system, and it’s really the only one I use. It has benefited my business greatly. Thanks so much.
– Susie F., REALTOR®, MI
“People Think I Write The Whole Thing…Some Have Told Me I Should Quit Real Estate and Become A Full-Time Author!”
I’d just like to say that my Service For Life!® prospecting newsletter is terrific. Each issue is fresh and entertaining, and helps me build my database list of additional clients. I get lots of compliments.
Each month, I send out about 350 letters through both snail mail and email. I’ll continue my membership, with continued hopes that West Texans will call me whenever they think about buying or selling real estate, and that they should tell all of their family and friends about me.
People think I write the whole thing. Some have told me I should quit real estate and become a full-time author! With over 20 years in real estate, Service For Life!® is the absolute best marketing tool I’ve seen.
– Tony, REALTOR®, Lubbock, TX
“I Have Over 85% of My Business Coming By Referral or Repeat Clients Over The Past 3 Years…It’s Just Awesome Because My Clients Always Come Back To Me… They Say, ‘I Got Your Service For Life!®‘…”
I’ve been using Service For Life!® for about 4 years regularly now. It’s my pleasure to leave a comment as to what it’s done for me.
I think it’s been an avenue that’s helped me to stay in really close touch with my clients. I send it out once a month, to about 450 warm clients. It’s been super-easy to use. Of course, it’s just very, very easy to change, if you want to change it, to add something personal about yourself.
What I’ve loved about it is I do take one article out that comes in it, and I put something about myself and my family, so that it’s brought a personal aspect to my business and to all of my clients. It’s really fast, it’s easy to save, it’s easy for the printer to print.
The feedback that I’ve had on it is that my clients love it. My clients say that it’s so great because it’s not all about real estate. It’s got funny things, it’s got stories, it’s got helpful hints, they love the riddle in it. In fact, I’ve accidentally not put the answer to the riddle in there a couple of times over the last few years, and I’ve actually had clients call me and ask me for the answer to the riddle.
So I know they’re reading it, I know they like it. But I think the best thing about it is the results. I have over 85% of my business coming by referral or repeat or past clients over the last 3 years. I’ve been in the business 15 years. It’s just awesome, because my clients always come back to me. They say, “I got your Service For Life!®.”
I just had a client call me the other day that said, “You didn’t change my address yet on your database and it took me like 2 months to get your newsletter. Can you make sure you get my address right?”
So they like getting it a lot. It’s just been a really easy way for me to put personal touch to my business, and I really appreciate it. Thank you so much.
– Terri J., REALTOR®,CA
“Our Biggest Competitor Sends Out A Different Newsletter – But People Tell Us They Only Read Our Service For Life!®…They Don’t Even Look At The Other One…”
We’ve been using your Service For Life!® prospecting and referral newsletter for over 5 years now. Oh my gosh…the comments we get. Not a week goes by, year after year, that someone doesn’t mention to us how much they enjoy Service For Life!®. It’s just because it’s different. It’s unique.
It makes us different with your “welcome new clients” and “client of the month.” These tell people, “we have business.”
I’ll give you an example. This was when we were first starting to use Service For Life!®. Several years ago, a couple hired us to list their home that was in our farm area. Even though we didn’t procure the new buyer for the home, we sent them our newsletter to them for 2 or 3 years. When they decided to sell again, they called us – NOT their own agent. She said, “Oh, I love your newsletter, and you can tell people it’s because of your newsletter that I wanted you to list my home.” Those were her words.
Our biggest competitor sends out a different newsletter, but people tell us they only read our Service For Life!®. They don’t even look at the other one. I just can’t say enough good things about it. I would say it’s one of the very, very best decisions we’ve ever made in our business. So it is just a wonderful, wonderful tool that we have in our practice. I just am so thankful that I met Craig and came across this.
– Dan & Molly S., REALTORs®, La Mirada, CA
“We Don’t Have To Compete For Listings Anymore – People Just Call Us And Say, “Come Over And List My Home” – They Know Us, See Us And Trust Us…So Why Go With Anyone Else?”
I just wanted to call and give you some feedback about your Service For Life!® newsletter.
My partner in real estate and I have been using this Service For Life!® newsletter now for about 26 months. We love it, and our clientele anxiously awaits its arrival every month. For us, it has become our main source of contact between us, our clients, sphere and farm. It opens the door for conversation when we see folks out in our farm area.
We distribute other market-related materials throughout the month, but it is the newsletter, with its variety of articles and jokes, that the people remember and want to talk about.
We firmly believe that personal interaction is the key to building relationships. Since the creation of the Do Not Call List, we’ve stopped calling and instead make it a priority to see our homeowners face to face. We went back to the old-fashioned way of farming and actually walk the farm once a month, armed with the Service For Life!® newsletter.
The people love it. When they see us out walking, they make an effort to stop and talk instead of run into the house and hide, like they used to do. They comment about the helpful tips, like adding salt while boiling eggs to make the shells come off easily, and pouring boiling water down a slow-running drain to clear it out. They are ecstatic when they try these things and they actually work.
Other comments we often hear from our clientele are, “We really enjoy your paper. It’s so informative and light, not the usual hard-sell real estate bulletin that we used to get,” and “thank you for keeping us informed. We actually look forward to receiving them every month.”
And the best one of all we hear is several people have actually told us that they’ve kept every issue in a file, so they won’t lose the valuable information. My eyes got big when I heard that one!
The best part of all is that our business volume has grown consistently each year, and we don’t have to compete for listings anymore. People just call us and say, “Come over and list my house.” They know us, see us and trust us. So why go with anyone else?
Your newsletter is an awesome marketing tool. I would never consider being in business without it. I can’t thank you enough. Keep them coming!
– Nancy, REALTOR®, Norwalk, CA
Strangers Treat REALTOR® Like He’s An Old Friend…
I used a 4-color newsletter for about 4 years, through another company. The kind with the recipe in it. And in those 4 years, about once a year somebody would say they liked the recipe or did I really put the cost into printing 4-color. And that was pretty much the sum total.
Then I quit that because I wasn’t getting results and, after about a year, found the Service For Life!® newsletter and made the choice to send that out. It’s been amazing. Not a day goes by, but when I don’t talk to somebody, if I haven’t seen them for a month or more, always the first or second comment out of their mouth is how much they enjoy the newsletter. They always make sure they tell me what part they like, whether it’s the trivia quiz or the jokes in it, or some particular article.
I had a rewarding comment from a gentleman who had just started – my barber, in fact. I started sending it to him. He told me how they were having problems with his wife’s medication, and then my newsletter article arrived about generic drugs having different side effects than the name-brand drugs. They had just switched to generic, and they were going to go back and try the regular again, to see if that took care of her side effects. So comments like that are always positive, rewarding.
The biggest thing for me has been that people that I don’t know that well, on my list, that I’ve added on, when I do see them, often when they call or see me in person, they just act like I’m an old friend. And that’s been the most rewarding part of this, the fact that I’m building relationships simply by sending out a newsletter every month. People really relate to it. It’s been very rewarding for me. It has really helped my business.
– Rod O., REALTOR®, MI
“My Sphere Of Influence and The Referrals From It Now Amount To 85% to 90% Of My Business…”
I’ve been using Service For Life!® for 4 years. I send it to my sphere of influence and give it out at open houses. My sphere of influence and the referrals from it now amount to about 85% to 90% of my business.
When I go shopping, clients and friends tell me how much they enjoy the articles. I basically send the newsletter out as I get it. I do sometimes enclose listings with it.
There are times I think I rely too much on the newsletter, as I don’t work as hard as I should.
The newsletter is very easy to use and send out. Definitely worth every penny I pay for it. The Service For Life!® is the most valuable tool I have in my real estate business. The newsletter definitely keeps me in touch when it just seems like there’s not enough time to go around. Thanks!
– Jimmy F., REALTOR®, VA
Agent Reports: Results Of Most Mailing Systems Was Mediocre At Best…The Only Exception Has Been Service For Life!®…
I just wanted to give you a little feedback about the Service For Life!® prospecting newsletter. Over the years, like many agents, we’ve tried a lot of different newsletters, postcards, mailing systems, just to keep our name in front of people.
But the results of most of these efforts was pretty mediocre, at best. The only exception has been really this newsletter, the Service For Life!®. It’s been, by far, I think one of the best investments in what I call “reminder advertising.”
It’s also not a coincidence that shortly after we mail these out, we get calls from several people who are thinking of selling or buying, have referrals, or possibly some questions. And more than once, we’ve been actually quite embarrassed to run into past clients at the store or elsewhere, whose names and faces we’ve temporarily forgotten. But they’ve recognized us, typically from the newsletter.
Others have called us, who have no intention whatsoever of buying or selling soon. They may be past clients or leads we’ve gotten elsewhere, but they have asked us to please keep sending them the newsletter, that they enjoy receiving it.
Basically, in short, the Service For Life!® newsletter is a must in our advertising budget. It brings new business, repeat business, and referrals. I think if you try it, you’ll like it.
– Bill K. REALTOR®, MN
One Thing ALL Top Agents Have In Common: They ALL Have Strong Stay-In-Contact Systems…
I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how much I appreciate the Service For Life!® prospecting and referral newsletter.
I’ve been in real estate for 25 years, and I’ve been very successful. However, I did not keep in touch with my past clients and my sphere of influence. After listening to top producers around the country, I realized that I should develop a system for staying in contact with my past clients and my sphere of influence. So I started looking for a way to do that.
After researching, I found Service For Life!®. What I like about it is the information is great, and useful. It’s easy to use and very affordable. Everything is prewritten, on a disk, yet I can personalize it and insert my own information.
My results have been unbelievable. I’ve had past clients who are elderly call me and tell me to please not stop sending them the newsletter, that they watch for it each month. They love it.
Others have called, and they try to win my trivia question each month. Everyone wants to see their name in print.
It’s been one of the best marketing ideas I’ve ever done. Thank you, Service For Life!®.
– Becky, REALTOR®, Gainesville, GA
Service For Life!® Has Established Me As A REALTOR®…It Has Convinced People That I’m Really Serious About My Business…
I want to tell you that Service For Life!® has established me as a REALTOR®. I started using it when I first became a REALTOR®, and it has convinced people that I’m really serious about my business.
I get so much good feedback. I see people all the time. “I love your newsletter.” And I know if they’re not buying right now or referring right now, that they will in the future because they really feel committed to me because they get this newsletter.
I would recommend it to anybody, because it’s made a big difference in my real estate practice. This year, I made the Honor Society, and I’m the new kid on the block. That was a big surprise to everybody, when they saw my picture in the Honor Society group. Thanks!
– Judy, REALTOR®, Houston, TX
“60% of All Our Business Comes Directly From Service For Life!®
It Gives Us a Unique Opportunity to Stay in Touch
with People Every Month…”
I just wanted to give you some feedback about Service For Life!®. I have been a real estate agent for approximately 11 years. I used multiple newsletters in that period of time. Most of them were very difficult to use, lacking content, a lot of cut-and-paste type things.
But since I’ve gotten Service For Life!®, it’s so easy to use. I give it to my assistant, she probably takes no more than 10 or 15 minutes to put together what we want to do for that month.
One of the things we do is we send it out where we’re asking people for feedback on the trivia questions. Some months, we get 5 or 10. Sometimes we get 50 responses. And then what we do is we talk to those people at that time, if they have anybody they’d like us to send a letter to. And it’s amazing how our mailing has increased just because of the letter. Not just because of the real estate, because the letter has much other helpful information.
Another thing we do is we call our clients that we send our newsletter to every 3 to 6 months, to see who would like to be removed from our mailing list. The 3 years we’ve used Service For Life!®, we’ve had 5 people want to be removed from the list.
We have clients who have moved out of town, that have called specifically to have this newsletter mailed to them. We had a gentleman from St. Cloud, MN move down there, called us back, and told us how much money he had saved from an article on refinancing. We do a lot of tracking of where our client base comes from. And one of the things we found is that 60% of all of our business comes directly from Service For Life!®. The reason?
It gives us a unique opportunity to stay in touch with people every month. And we may have not heard from somebody for 2 or 3 months, and they will call us and say, “Hey, I just remembered you, I see your newsletter here. I’ve been somebody that’s interested in buying or selling a house.”
It is probably, in my opinion, the best real estate tool I’ve ever used. It allows me to save a lot of money on advertising, which to me was wasteful. This, every time I send it out, I know there’s a potential of getting something back.
The other thing we’ve done is we’ve got strategic businesses to allow us to put this newsletter in their businesses. These people, of course, are clients. But we’re able to put it in their businesses in a little handout, and it’s amazing how fast they go. We’ve had comments as to the owners of these establishments, “When are you going to get the next issue,” or something.
So it’s been remarkable for us. We really use it, we read it, we enjoy it, and my clients absolutely love it. Hopefully, you will continue to produce it because it has, like I say, been very helpful to our business.
I appreciate having the opportunity to let you know what we think of this letter.
– David C., REALTOR®, Coldwell Banker, Duluth, MN
“We Were Using Another Newsletter Before This And Did Not Get HALF Of the Response We Now Get With Service For Life!®”
We’ve been using Service For Life!® for a little over a year, and we love the results we’ve been getting. It’s easy to use. It looks unique. We get comments that it’s the best one people have ever seen. People call us and actually request the newsletter and ask us to send it to their friends.
We were using another newsletter before this and did not even get HALF of the response we now get with Service For Life!®. We love it!
– Sid T., REALTOR®, Yorba Linda, CA