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#27 The Client-Multiplying Potential Of “Viral Marketing”

How would you like to literally multiply the effectiveness of your marketing just by “tweaking” a simple marketing strategy?

I’m talking about getting 2, 5, 10, or even 20 to 1 on every dollar you invest in marketing your services.  And by doing so, you increase your production as well.

Today I want to “expose” you to a marketing element I glanced upon earlier.  It’s a little technique that can launch the effectiveness of your marketing to new heights.  I call it…

The Client-Multiplying Potential

Have you ever noticed how funny, entertaining or informative emails seem to get passed around like a bad cold from person to person?

You probably get lots of jokes and stories over the internet (probably more than you want!).

And did you know there are companies who design marketing campaigns intentionally to get shared, thus spreading their name and web site links all across the country like wild fire?

Well, believe it or not, this little technique isn’t new.  It’s called VIRAL MARKETING.


“Viral Marketing” is simply this: how well does your marketing, your content, your image and your sales message get SHARED from person to person AUTOMATICALLY.

Why is this so important to your business?

Because client acquisition is incredibly expensive in any business – especially real estate.

When you use specific strategies to spread your message automatically, you’re getting clients (referrals, word of mouth & repeat business) for less and less money spent on your part.  It’s the ultimate use of “leverage.”

Here’s the psychology behind it:

When people see something unique, entertaining or important they will naturally share it with peers and acquaintances; the same way we all pass along funny jokes or editorials we receive by email.

It’s also the same way jokes, stories and information get posted on company bulletin boards or home refrigerators, or shared in a meeting.

It’s part of our nature as humans to do this, because it helps to reinforce a desired image of ourselves to our peers.

And here’s the best part: The more time someone spends reading or sharing your message, the more likely they’ll ACT on it.

How can this help you in real estate?

Most agent marketing is nothing but draconian speak and yawning images:  No compelling information.  No interesting facts and figures.  Nothing to captivate interest and motivate you reader share your information with others.

The truth is…96% of agent marketing NEVER EVEN GETS READ.  How can you change all this and make your marketing more effective?  By asking the empowering question…

What Can I Produce that is So Compelling, So Interesting
or So Entertaining…It will Automatically Get OPENED,
READ and SHARED with Others?

The next time you’re thinking of creating a reason for contact or a marketing promotion to a your House List…or a farm…or even an advertisement…ask the question above and see what ideas come to mind.

Want a few to think about?

OK…here are a few things our agents have used…

1.  Share Timely News.  Most people scan the internet, magazines or the newspaper for news they’re interested in learning.  But you can take it one step further and help your business by scanning for news that will interest your CLIENTS.

What kind of information?

How about commentary about interest rates, tax law, the economy, or the housing market?  How about news about home ownership and home maintenance?

When you keep your eyes and ears open for information your clients may be interested in learning, you create news and information that will interest them and get shared.

2.  Share Helpful “How To” Information and Resources.  Do you know what people do with “how to” information that can help them with their finances, real estate or even health?

They SAVE it and Pass it on To Others

This means your name and contact will have “shelf life” (i.e. it will get saved for long periods of time).

So the next time you’re surfing the net or reading a good magazine, see if the “how to” article you’re reading might be of assistance to your prospects or clients.

A lot of agents I know create “swipe” files of interesting information and ideas (articles) they can share with their clients or prospects.  Then, when they’re thinking about what to send…they just scan their file for the right article.

Put that together with a nice, personalized cover letter, and you’re in business.

One note:  if you’re going to send an article reprint to a lot of people, it’s important to contact the publication and ask if you may share their copyrighted article.  In most cases they’ll just want you to give attribution to the publication.  Hey, it’s free publicity for them.

3.  Share Service For Life!®  One way to have a ready-to-use contact tool, already loaded with compelling education, news and information…is to simple send Service For Life!® each month

One of the most frequent comments we get from agents is how much their newsletter gets SHARED.

It gets posted on refrigerators.  It gets shared around the offices where people work.  We’ve even had funny or important stories shared over the internet!

Viral Marketing.

“Service For Life!®” is the easiest and fastest way to create your own automatic viral marketing campaign…and boost the effectiveness of your marketing dollar.

That’s because it’s interesting.  It’s inspiring.  It gets read and shared, and compels people to ACT in your direction for real estate services.

We’ve gotten to know each other over the past few weeks.  The feedback I’ve received about this email course from agents around the country has been overwhelmingly positive.

I’m thrilled about that, and I hope it’s helping you too.

But there’s a MISSING LINK in our relationship.

And that missing link is this: If you HAVE NOT subscribed to Service For Life!®,  you could be missing out on millions of dollars of business you would have never seen otherwise.

GIVE US A CALL TOLL FREE AT (800) 622-2540.  Even if you’re skeptical.  Even if you think I’m still full of beans.  Even if you just have a few questions and that nagging suspicion won’t go away. You can also visit our website by clicking on our logo to the top left or clicking this link.

We’re the friendliest, nicest folks you’ll ever meet.  That’s because I want you to become one of our personal friends – part of “MY” House List.

And when you subscribe, I promise it will be the single SMARTEST move you’ve ever made.

If you’ve already subscribed, great!  Welcome aboard and stay with it – sooner than you think you’ll be creating a Personal Market Share™ bringing you a steady stream of clients month-in and month-out!

Today’s Action Plan:

Here’s a little task that can make Viral Marketing easy-as-pie for you.

Take out a file folder and write on it, “Contact Content.”  Next, put that folder into a file in your office – for easy access.

Then, each time you read a great article…whether it’s on the internet or a magazine or newspaper, clip the article and place it in your “Contact Content” folder.

Finally, for each month of the year, pick a day you’ll be sending some type of contact to your House List and leads.  Pick out a great article from your Contact Content file, and craft a simple cover letter highlighting the subject.

Voila…15 minutes and you’re in business.

You can even use this little strategy with your monthly Service For Life!® contact – makes for a great cover letter (even though we write a cover letter for you each month).

Then, watch as people respond to your marketing , thank you for thinking of them, and SHARE your information with others.  It’s amazing and fun.

Try it – you’ll like it!