I’m going to interrupt my main articles for just a minute to answer an important question I have been getting from our agent-readers…
What I’m about to say may sound outrageous to you at first, but I’m confident you’ll agree once you hear me out.
I believe this article (and one more follow-up I’ll be sending you shortly) will be extremely valuable in opening your mind to the amazing income-potential of “relationship marketing”…capable of truly multiplying your production and income with very little (or no) extra effort or money invested.
How do I know?
Because every one of the “strategies” you’re going to learn has been tried, tested and proven for thousands of agents in our network.
Here’s how it came about…
About a week ago I got a call from one of our Service For Life!® subscribers. She had been using the tool as a House List contact system and it was working great for her – now averaging 3 to 4 added clients per month.

But she wanted to know if there were any additional ways to use a “relationship marketing” tool in her practice.
I was so impressed with her initiative (she was looking for ways to “leverage” her investment in the tool – very smart!), that I spent several hours with her to review all the ways other agents had been successfully using the tool.
And since I know you too will probably be using a regular, value-oriented and welcomed tool like Service For Life!® in your practice (you’d be crazy not to)…I thought I’d share our findings with you.
When I first created this tool, I engineered it primarily as a prospecting, stay-in-contact and referral-generation tool to be used with your House List.
And it works like gangbusters to bring you a stream of clients, referrals and repeat business from these folks.
But I never realized that I had created a tool so powerful it’s now being used as…
“5 (or more) Marketing Tools in 1” For Agents
Some agents actually spend $0 sending Service For Life!® by using our “sponsor tool kit” that comes when you subscribe.
Other agents spend $0 using it with an EMAIL contact program – and I have a special supplement I provide when you subscribe, giving you step-by-step instructions (including little-known email resources, list servers, strategies and more) for sending any contact by email.

But if you’ve been paying attention to my recent articles, you’ve already learned that the tool makes enormous economic sense even if you send it by mail each month – just run the simple ROI numbers from article #5 (go back and read it if you don’t remember – it’s very valuable information).
Either way…here are a number of ideas you can use to generate more clients with your prospecting and stay-in-contact marketing…including Service For Life!® or any other tool you use…
Contact Tool Use #1: Use Service For Life!® For Referrals and Repeat Business From Your “House List.”
You already know about creating and marketing to your House List – that’s the focus of my articles here. But I want to share a little story that may underscore this little strategy.
Yesterday afternoon I got a call from one of our long-term Service For Life!® subscribers – agent Michael B. from Whittier, California.
During our conversation Michael told me the market in his area has gone bone dead.
Average sales times have doubled…home inventories are up more than 40%…and agents are in a panic – tripping over each other to find buyers for their listings or close a few deals.
But Michael is cool as a cucumber. In fact, he’s loving this market because (as he says)…it’s…
“Washing-Out All the Lousy Agents”
He read this “Endless Clients” article sequence you’re now getting, and started sending Service For Life!® more than 7 years ago.
Since then, he’s created his own Personal Market Share™ that still brings him a steady flow of clients. He told me the strategy has given him…
An Increasing Share of a Decreasing Market
That conversation got me thinking. How will you survive (and even prosper) during real estate ebbs and flows?
You’ve already learned that 74% of all REALTOR® clients come through a relationship, yet only 4% of all agents have a “system” in place to capture that business – so 4% grab all the clients and the rest haggle for the leftovers.
So what are you going to do to build your Personal Market Share™…become part of the top 4% who get all the business…and survive the impending impact of the coming real estate recession?
You don’t need to be left out. You don’t need to haggle with any other agents. And you don’t need to endure sleepless nights worrying about your business.
Using the right “relationship-contact tool” like Service For Life!® let’s you prospect in a “competitive vacuum” by tapping into the most profitable 74% of clients and harvesting the very best business – so when times get tough…you too can capture an increasing share of a decreasing market.
And when the market gets hot…your production will be limited only by the depth of your desire to make money.
Contact Tool Use #2: Prospect and Generate Referrals and Repeat Business from Your Power List for FREE, VIA a Powerful “5-Minute per Month” EMAIL Marketing Program.
If you’re on a budget, you can still use a powerful relationship prospecting and marketing tool like Service For Life!® to grow your business – spending ZERO.
For example…
Ohio Agent Adds $122,446 to Her Annual
Commissions Spending $0.00
Facing a brutal market and limited funds, this Ohio agent still realized the importance of her relationship marketing systems…so she implements a simple “5-Minute Per Month” email marketing program using Service For Life!® as an EMAIL attachment. She gets huge delivery and readership because her emails are so unique, and they get shared with others. Over the past 12 months she’s made over $122,446 in added commissions directly related to this program.
Her Budget? $0.00
When you subscribe I’ll show you the exact, step-by-step system she uses to generate new clients, referrals and repeat business – including how to build your list, how to modify your issues for email, secret email software systems and much more. You simply cannot expect to survive this tough market without this system.
I’ll show how to convert each monthly issue to an Adobe Acrobat .pdf (unbelievably easy and fast – and nearly every computer has Acrobat Reader installed) so you can email it to on your “Power List” in less than 5 minutes flat. And for FREE!
Contact Tool Use #3: Use Service For Life!® To “TARGET FARM.”
Do your farming efforts result in nothing but a bad attitude and decreasing checkbook balance?
I think I know why.
There’s a right way…and a wrong way to farm. We’ve cracked the code on effective farming by first sifting and sorting to find the highest-potential farm to start.
First…you should never think about “mass” farming…you should think about “TARGET” farming – identifying small, high-potential areas, and focusing your marketing like a laser beam.
I call this “fishing in a stocked pond” and failing to do so is where most agents make their first mistake.
Next…you need to have your contact get delivered, opened…and READ. You learned some of these strategies right here in this course. Think about it…
If Your Marketing Won’t Even Get Delivered,
Opened and READ…What Makes You Think
It’s Going to Make You Money?
And finally…you need to give people self-serving…almost irresistible reasons for CALLING YOU.

Service For Life!® short-cuts the process for you because everything you need is built into it. You select the hot farm by using your trusty MLS system…then unleash Service For Life!® and watch it go.
You no longer need to humiliate yourself or waste time cold prospecting. And you no longer need to tolerate the dismal response rates from post cards, recipe cards or impersonal “agency-slick” generic newsletters.
Use Service For Life!® to Target Farm, and you’ll never worry about your market share again. Agents are dominating subdivisions once they understand how to farm correctly.
Contact Tool Use #4: Use Service For Life!® to Convert Leads To Clients
What’s one of the biggest mistakes you make in your business?
FAILURE to Follow-Up…
…with your House List, Farm areas, Referrals, Ad leads, Sign calls, Hotline calls, Past Clients and more.
Ask yourself…how much business have you lost because you were just TOO BUSY?
The result? An enormous amount of business is slipping through your fingers. Business that could easily be yours…should be yours…but it goes to another agent for ONE reason: they got there FIRST.
There’s a good reason you don’t follow-up: Your business is frantic – previewing, researching, showing, listing, managing…etc…
And unless you have an existing system in place to automatically follow-up, it will never get done.
But with a systemized contact program like Service For Life!®, follow-up is easy and inexpensive – taking you about 30 minutes a month TOTAL.
Pop your new monthly issue into your computer, enter your name and contact info, your photo, any inserts you like (we give you everything to customize your issues)…and voila…you’re done.
Send it yourself or use our community printer and lettershop to do it for you quickly and inexpensively.
Contact Tool Use #5: Place Service For Life!® Inside Your Listing Info-Boxes/Info Tubes and Get a FLOOD of Listing and Buyer Inquiries
Could you spare $20 dollars a month to create an avalanche of listing and buyer leads?
You think I’m joking, but I’m not – and I’ve got hundreds of successful agents getting 20 to 50 calls per week to prove it.
This is one of the MOST PROFITABLE uses for Service For Life!®. Here’s how it works…
When you take a listing, did you know that you now have a MARKETING MAGNET to attract a flood of buyers AND listing prospects calling YOU?
Think about it for a second. Buyers drive around the neighborhood of your listings because they’re attracted to the area, price range or other amenity of the neighborhood….and…
…instead of just having a listing sign in front of the home, you should have a “Home Information” box or tube attached to your listing sign. And inside that box should be issues of your Service For Life!® direct response prospecting and referral-generating newsletter.
But hold on…
To make this strategy work correctly, you also need a “magnet” inside your issue to attract buyer and listing calls. So here’s what we did…
When you subscribe to Service For Life!® we give you a “marketing tool kit” that (among other things) includes a tested and proven LISTING INSERT that makes over 14 REASONS for buyers to call YOU…from promoting other listed homes to special reports and other services you offer.
The result?
Qualified buyers (and listing prospects) take your SFL, read it, see your multiple offers and free consumer information, and…
CALL YOU to Receive Them
You’ve created a powerful marketing system bringing you a steady stream of buyer calls every single week. This system works so well, we have agents hiring buyer representatives just to qualify and handle the volume of calls!
And with a Proquest Hotline (www.SixFigureHotlines.com), you can actually have yourself paged anytime a buyer calls for information on the home or your insert (or you can have them leave a voice message and pick up your lead calls later – but the faster your respond, the better).
Do you see the power of this system? Imagine having this kind of system with EVERY ONE of your listings?
What’s more…it even works to generate other LISTINGS. How? Because when neighbors see your smart marketing (that other agents are oblivious to), they’ll want you to use you to list THEIR home.
That’s how you make yourself a “different” agent, and capture buyers and sellers before other agents know they exist.
Contact Tool Use #5: Use Service For Life!® in Your Pre-Listing and Buyer Packages
Here’s a marketing tool very few other agents are using – and it works to engage your prospects…bond folks to you…and make you beneficially-different.
When you insert your Service For Life!® into your pre-listing and buyer packages, you’re demonstrating to your prospects that you’re a true professional and you’re invested in bringing long-term VALUE to your clients.
We all know the longer a prospect spends examining your pre-listing package on their home, the greater the likelihood they’ll work with YOU.
Inserting issues of Service For Life!® into your packages will instantly involve them, maximize the amount of time with your package, and demonstrate that you’re clearly a stand-out agent and worthy of their business.
Today’s Action Plan:
The smartest agents (and businesspeople) I know have one trait in common: They constantly look for ways to “leverage” the return for every dollar and minute they invest into their businesses.
That’s an important lesson…and it’s also the reason why I created this article – so you too can think of ways to leverage your production.
Whether you’re using a recipe card, market update, Service For Life!® or some other contact tool…take 10 minutes to light-up your mind with the many ways you can be getting more production out of your tool.
How many ways will you use your Service For Life!® or any other relationship-marketing strategy in your business?